Join Eric, Lon & Sean as we welcome longtime demonologists and paranormal investigators Keith & Carl Johnson to 'Beyond The Edge' Radio
Keith & Carl Johnson grew up in a house in Rhode Island where paranormal phenomena would occasionally occur. Those events triggered their extreme interest in the supernatural world.
In the early 1970s, when they were just teenagers, Keith and Carl attended a lecture featuring paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren at nearby Rhode Island College. Subsequently, they developed a friendship with the Warrens, which lasted for decades.
They joined a paranormal research organization at Rhode Island College, known as the Parapsychology Investigation and Research Organization (PIRO), and as it turned out, Keith's first major investigation turned out to be a case of demonic infestation. In October of 2004, Keith and his wife, Sandra, founded New England Anomalies Research (NEAR).
Keith says they founded NEAR after the Ghost Hunters series, with which they were involved for the first two seasons, became so successful, because their involvement with the show made it difficult to focus on their clients' cases — especially those of a confidential and sometime even demonic nature.
Keith often officiates when house blessings and exorcisms need to be performed for both TAPS and his own organization, NEAR. Keith still consults with TAPS as a demonologist, as well as working with fellow demonologists and associates at NEAR to help people who believe themselves to be the victims of hauntings, possession, or demonic oppression in New England.
NEAR is comprised of many former investigators from TAPS, and they have stayed true to their goal of investigating and analyzing phenomena that is suspected to be of paranormal origin. Keith and his wife Sandra co-produce a weekly cable television show called Ghosts R Near in Providence, Rhode Island, which explores the topics of ghosts, the paranormal, and hauntings.
Keith's twin brother Carl is a demonologist, too. He is also NEAR's senior investigator and alternate co-host of Ghosts R Near. He continues to explore the paranormal with his colleagues. Carl and his girlfriend Dina Palazini are the principle investigators at Beyond The Veil Paranormal. BTVP was established as a cooperative effort to penetrate some of the more elusive mysteries of humanity and the world we inhabit, to value expanding knowledge in favor of competition, and as a forum to share experiences. We interpret paranormal as that which is removed from what is contained by prevailing scientific standard.
The two brothers combine their mutual love of history and the paranormal in the tours they conduct at Slater Mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Using their extensive knowledge of both Slater Mill and the Blackstone Valley area, plus their unique love of all things ghostly, they host tours in this old, allegedly very haunted mill in their Paranormal Pawtucket Ghost Tours.
New England Anomalies Research (NEAR)
Beyond The Veil Paranormal
Paranormal Realities
Paranormal Realities II
The Conjuring (DVD + UltraViolet)
The Conjuring (Blu-Ray + DVD + UltraViolet Combo Pack)
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Realtor.com’s 2013 Haunted House Report
More than half of home buyers say they’d be OK buying a “haunted” house, according to Realtor.com’s 2013 Haunted House Report, based on nearly 1,400 respondents' views regarding spooky homes. In fact, more than a third of respondents say they’ve already lived in a haunted house.
But if they’re going to live in a scary home, buyers expect a discount, the survey finds. Thirty-four percent of respondents say they would buy a haunted home if it were discounted 1 to 30 percent, and 22 percent said they would buy a spooky house if it had a discount of 31 to 50 percent. Nineteen percent of survey respondents say it would take a discount of 51 percent or more on a haunted house for them to buy it.
“When purchasing a home, buyers want to know what they are getting into, and that includes anything potentially spooky,” says Alison Schwartz, vice president of corporate communications for Move Inc., the operator of realtor.com. “Our data reveals that while the majority of consumers are open to purchasing a haunted home, many buyers conduct research on a home’s history to be aware of any weird incidences.”
The survey revealed that respondents believed the following are warning signs that a home could be haunted:
61 percent say a cemetery on the property;
50 percent say a home that is over 100 years old;
45 percent considered quick transitions in owners could be an indicator;
45 percent say an unexplainable low price on the home;
43 percent say a home’s close proximity to a battlefield could be another sign.
Many respondents also say they can be spooked away from a haunted home. They rated the following five incidents as having the potential to scare them away:
Levitating objects
Ghost sightings
Supernatural sensations
Flickering lights/appliances
Strange noises, such as footsteps and doors slamming
Do Paranormal Prowlers Invade Your Home While You Sleep?
Men, women, and children from around the world awaken to discover that we are not alone. For five days, October 27th through October 31st, you can download your free copy of It's NOT Sleep Paralysis! The Global Nightmare of Nonhuman Intruders
PRLog (Press Release) - Oct. 26, 2013 - NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. -- Robert A. Goerman, noted author and investigative scholar of the unknown and unexplained, is giving away digital copies of the disturbing findings that launched the Nonhuman Intruder Project. His writings are featured in national magazines and serve as source material for many books and television shows as Unsolved Mysteries, The Unexplained, MonsterQuest, History's Mysteries, Animal X, and Dark Matters: Twisted But True.
For five days, Sunday, October 27th through Thursday, October 31st, you can visit It's NOT Sleep Paralysis! The Global Nightmare of Nonhuman Intruders
"These encounters are not hallucinations," Goerman explains. "Animals cringe in fear at these intrusions. Objects are moved. Multiple witness cases exist. In the most serious reports, the witness suffers pain, even physical injury."
This 8,000 word special report examines eighty worldwide cases of home invasion. Eyewitness accounts are evenly divided between domestic (USA) and foreign locations to compare the possible impact of cultural differences. Encounters span the years 1914 to 2011 to explore parallels and variations.
Certain very distinct patterns in these encounters stand out. Time and again, the entities seem quite surprised when one of us awakens. When discovered, the intruders may retreat through walls or vanish in plain sight. More often than not, however, the primary witness is compelled to sleep. This is referred to as "the knockout."
Goerman warns that "valuable information is lost when genuine encounters are dismissed as Awareness during Sleep Paralysis hallucinations by eyewitnesses who are comforted by this advice, whether this counsel originates with the medical community or comes from a book or website on sleep paralysis. It is less upsetting to believe that it was all just a dream, rather than confront the fact that these entities can violate our homes with impunity."
How often do these nonhuman intruders carry out their agenda in your home while you slumber peacefully in your bed?
Interested parties can find the Nonhuman Intruder Project at http://robertgoerman.tripod.com/id28.html
The Brisbane Spook (Update)
Last month, I posted the following:
Hi Lon, I enjoy reading your 'Phantoms and Monsters' newsletter. In Australia we have Trove a wonderful search engine housed at the Australian National Library, Canberra, that allows people to read digitalised newspapers of yesteryear online, and my eyes nearly popped out when I saw the 1913 story 'A Brisbane Spook'. It appears to be based on an actual Brisbane police report of a spectre appearing regularly in Elzabeth Street, Brisbane. His/Her Majesty's Theatre (1888) was demolished in 1983, to make for the Wintergarden Centre. Does the ghost still haunt the area, I wonder?
Jon Wyatt
Carlton, Melbourne, Australia
I received the following update from Jon:
Lon: I have further information re the 1913 'Brisbane Spook' story I sent to you in September.
Queensland Police Museum service records basically confirm the story. Constable Mullally, 25, reported he saw the apparition on three occasions. However, he was taken off plain clothes duty and placed on ordinary beat duty for not reporting this to his Sergeant, choosing instead to tell the press. Percival Mullally went on to become an Inspector in 1941. His police partner was probably Charles McLean, 22, who won a bravery award in 1925 and later left the force.
The apparition may have been a male ghost that appeared from time to time at the back of the dress circle in the Majesty's Theatre. It was allegedly seen by many people, including a well-known Australian performer John English, before the place was demolished in 1983. See link:
I've attached the press clipping and an extract from a police records document.
Jon Wyatt
Carlton, Melbourne, Australia
Brisbane (Images of America) (Images of America (Arcadia Publishing))
Weird Australia: Real Reports of Uncanny Creatures, Strange Sightings & Extraordinary Encounters
Man survives 70 foot fall after chasing 'mountain lion'
A Soddy-Daisy, TN man survives after a 70 foot fall from a tree. It happened Tuesday night on the ridge near Ward Road. The man told rescue workers he was chasing after what he says was a "mountain lion," when he climbed out on a tree and fell.
A family member tells Channel 3 it is 33-year-old Jason Newman who fell from the tree. They say he is lucky to be alive. He has several broken bones. His neighbor says rescue workers should be praised for navigating the rough terrain to get Jason off the ridge.
"It had to be at least half a mile, maybe even further," says Brian Henry.
Brian Henry says it was around 8:30 Tuesday night when he heard Newman, better known as 'cuz,' yelling for help. It took him a minute to figure out the screams were coming from the ridge behind his house.
"When you can only see 30 to 50 feet in front of you, it's hard to pick a direction on which way to go because you're trying to follow this man's voice, who ended up being way up there," says Henry.
Henry, along with Jason's cousin and girlfriend, made the long trek through briers and brush to find him.
"We took off up the mountain and just kept listening for him."
They found him in a clearing, screaming in pain.
"He said that he saw a mountain lion and that he chased it and climbed up a tree," says Henry.
Jason fell about 70 feet down the side of the ridge.
"He was in a lot of pain."
He fractured his back, broke an arm in two places, and broke his left femur and ankle. Rescue workers made the difficult climb. It took them about two hours to get him down off the mountain.
As far as Newman chasing a mountain lion, Henry says, "To me, that sound backwards. Usually, you see a mountain lion, you'd think the mountain lion would chase you up the tree."
He is just glad Jason survived the fall.
"I'm glad he's okay. And if his story's true, I don't recommend chasing a mountain lion," says Henry.
Newman's cousin says he was in surgery Wednesday and is expected to recover.
Newman never said why he was chasing the animal. But he was most likely chasing a bobcat, not a mountain lion. According to Fish and Wildlife, the last confirmed sighting of a mountain lion in this part of the country was in the 1930s. - WRBCTV
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Horned Horses And Horses With Horns
The Lost Meaning of Halloween
Exorcisms on the rise in Ireland - Catholic Church
Keith & Carl Johnson - Demonologists - Initial Investigators of 'The Conjouring' Case - Sunday at 8:00 PM ET on Beyond The Edge Radio / Para-X Radio
History Decoded: The 10 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time
The Conjuring (2013)
Sony Playstation Network Card - $50 [Online Game Code]

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