I recently received the following email:
Hello Lon - A couple of months ago in summer, my friend actually saw a small dinosaur here in town, on a main street! It was evening when she saw it, probably around 8:45 pm. She was driving and noticed the dinosaur cross the street! She saw the shape clearly as it passed another cars headlights on the opposite side. She said oddly that the other car didn't seem to notice as the creature passed. She tried to call me but her phone was out of minutes.
Just a couple months before I had actually heard a creature I could only describe as a dinosaur. I had been asleep, it was night, maybe around 1 or 2 am. I had awoken and just at that moment I heard an unfamiliar screech of something running by my window. We have an AC unit in the window so the window is basically open. I heard its footsteps as it ran by and it was heavy whatever it was. I could hear it clearly on the ground. As it ran further away I could hear it screech again! It was like nothing I've ever heard in my life! It was loud too and I wonder if anyone else heard it or saw it. I live in an apartment complex. I just laid there in bed completely bewildered by what I had just heard. I questioned my sanity and if I had heard what I thought I heard. So when my friend saw the "dinosaur" she was excited and wanted to tell me because of what I heard. Im only sad I didn't get to see it too. We both questioned our sanity. These stories you posted help me feel better and not so crazy. MR - Hebbronville, Texas
NOTE: This email was in response to my Reptilian sightings posts. Since we know that dinosaurs actually existed at one time, is it possible that people are experiencing interdimensional 'glimpses' from the past? There is a particular incident told by Nick Redfern which I referenced in Interdimensional / Bio-Engineered Sasquatch and Cryptids. Lon
Dinosaurs: The Most Complete, Up-to-Date Encyclopedia for Dinosaur Lovers of All Ages
Interdimensional Universe: The New Science of UFOs, Paranormal Phenomena and Otherdimensional Beings
The Sasquatch People and Their Interdimensional Connection

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