(SBWIRE) -- 10/21/2013 -- Until some years ago, very few people knew anything about psychics. To many, psychics were gypsy looking people with headscarves and large earrings who practiced in local fairs, and in holiday resorts during the Summer. Psychics are often also clairvoyants and mediums, and sometimes you can see advertisements for them in the press which advertised the fact that they were performing for a few night, quite often in large cities like Glasgow, Manchester, London, New York, Los Angeles, and the likes.
When the public saw these adverts, they flocked in their hundreds to see if the psychic or medium could help them contact someone dear to them who had departed this earth.
In more recent years the image of psychics has changed, and many are turning to them for help and advice when they have worries or problems of any kind.This has been made much easier, as many psychics, even those who are very well known, can be contacted by psychic texts, psychic instant messaging, or simply by lifting the phone to contact help in this very modern manner.It is even possible to get advice and comfort via psychic spells.
People make use of these practices for all sorts of reasons, such as receiving comfort when they lose someone they love, to getting advice about their future, job prospects, to obtaining advice about whether they should marry their partner or not, to simply finding a lost pet or a lost ring.
Now however, psychics are using their powers for even more serious reasons, and their services are now being sought by the police to help find missing persons or even to help solve murders.
This has been a fairly common technique in the U.S.A. where many police forces in large cities have brought in psychics and clairvoyants, and in many cases they have helped the police find the remains of murder victims, as well as helping to solve the murder cases, and to find those who committed these dreadful crimes.
On some occasions, the results obtained by psychics have been much happier when for example psychics helping the police force in Florida helped them find a girl who had been missing for ten years.She was found alive and well in a home where she had been reasonably well cared for, but was extremely glad to be found as she had been missing her family so much.She and her family are now reunited and extremely pleased to be back together again thanks to the power of psychics.
Another case in the U.S.A. concerns a famous psychic who discovered the mass graves of six teenage boys who had been missing for two years in a very strange case in Middle America.
Now in the U.K, several police forces are now turning to psychics to help in cases of missing persons and murders.
Psychics have certainly come a long way, and are now proving to be very useful for even the most important subjects.
People seeking psychic and astrological help are more worried about money than love
Mammon hasn't quite conquered Cupid, but the severe recession and its consequences have come to this:
People seeking psychic and astrological help are more concerned about their fiscal future than their love life.
"The biggest question used to be about love. Now it's more in reference to money," said Mary Silvernail, a professional astrologer in Waretown. "I've been doing this my whole life and I've never seen it to this degree."
While most of us have relied on economists for signs of optimism, others have been looking to other kinds of analysts and forecasters, ones who read tarot cards, astrology charts, palms and auras.
"They want to know about job changes. That's the No. 1 question of the season," said Elizabeth Edith, of Stone Harbor, whose Path of the Gold Star is on the Black Horse Pike in Egg Harbor Township.
Lisa Green, who summers in Beach Haven and does palm and tarot readings at Bay Village Psychic there (and in Manhattan the rest of the year), agreed.
"They want to know more about their financial future," Green said.
Many clients want to know if their current job is secure and going anywhere, or should they seek other employment, Edith and Silvernail said. Others already have lost their jobs and want to know where to look for a new one.
"A lot of people are changing careers and ask what I see through astrology as far as what would be a good type of career for them," Silvernail said. "A lot have been in their careers almost their entire lives and are switching now. Even attorneys are considering changing careers and I've had several come to me."
Edith said sometimes she can help and sometimes not.
"When I do see that, I'll tell the lady where she should be looking," she said. "Other times, I'm blocked or the person is blocked and I can't feel it. I'll tell them I don't see anything opening up for them right now."
Homes are a big worry too.
"A lot of people are asking in reference to relocating, asking if their homes will sell, asking if they'll be able to hold onto their homes," Silvernail said.
Edith has been doing readings of astrology, numerology, tarot, spirits, palms and handwriting for 20 years. She said she was born with a skinlike veil over her head (which her mother still has) and became aware of her psychic gift at age 8.
She said a person's number plays a role in his or her future - a seven indicates a more spiritual time, a five a poor time to make decisions, and a nine a period of control to seize opportunities.
Or perhaps someone's astrological birth chart will provide a sign. Saturn's influence dictates caution, for example, and Mars promotes ambition.
"If they're retrograde, if the energy of their birth chart is going through retrograde, that might take them back," she said. "They could get a new job and have the same pattern as the old one."
Others ask whether this is a good time to start a particular business or make certain investments. Even if the signs are good, she said, she counsels patience because "the way the economy is going right now, it will take time no matter what."
Even familiarity with the stars and spirits can't overcome a severe slowdown, which many psychics seem to have discovered personally.
Phone lines have been disconnected at Readings by Silvia in Atlantic City, the Village Green Psychic at Historic Smithville and the Millville Psychic Shop. That could just mean they're closed for the season and will resume readings when tourists return in summer.
The federal Bureau of Labor Statistics does its own readings of astrologers, palm readers and psychics, including them in its "All Other Personal Services" category for its quarterly census of employment and wages.
That showed 110 employees in 2001 in Atlantic County, dropping to 59 in 2007 (the most recent data there), with total wages rising nonetheless from $641,000 to $1.1 million.
In Ocean County, workers in the category dropped to 44 last year from 134 in 2005, and total wages fell from $2.1 million to $1.1 million.
Lisa Green said that her business has gotten better lately, but wouldn't talk about the future she sees for it. "I'm not in the mood to talk. I don't feel like talking at all," she said.
Edith and Silvernail, on the other hand, shared their economic forecasts, ordinarily available only to paying customers.
The stars are in a Grand Cardinal Cross for the next year and a half, Silvernail said, "and people feel like they're in a box and can't figure a way to get out."
Edith was slightly more optimistic and in line with the outlooks of economists.
"In the stock market, I don't see strong growth anytime soon," Edith said. "I do feel it will come back, it's just going to take some time."
"I feel that our economy is going to get better, that we're actually in that cycle right now and things are going to turn around this year," Edith said. "These next few years are going to be positive."
That's a prediction we can all hope comes true. - Press of Atlantic City
NOTE: Here is a list of books that I recommend for those who want to learn more about Spiritual Alchemy, Light & Energy Work, Psychic Protection & Development, Root Conjure & Magick, Pow-Wow and Hoodoo:
Pow-Wows: Long Lost Friend, a Collection of Mysteries and Invaluable Arts and Remedies
Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic: A Materia Magica of African-American Conjure
Energy Essentials for Witches and Spellcasters
The Candle and the Crossroads: A Book of Appalachian Conjure and Southern Root-Work
Practical Protection Magick: Guarding & Reclaiming Your Power
Psychic Self-Protection: Using Crystals to Change Your Life

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