Here is a new report out of Argentina...translation is not great. Maybe Scott Corrales can find some information on this sighting:
47,421 REPORT FILING DATE: 15/05/2013 PLACE: Quilmes PROVINCE: BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA REPUBLIC. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION 34 º 44 '10 "south. 58 º 14 '42 "West. WITNESS: Ms. MARCELA QUINTERO. AGE: 47 YEARS . MARITAL STATUS: MARRIED OCCUPATION: TRADE FROM YOUR HOME. New testimony sought to Mrs. Marcela Quintero answering the following: Of course this is interesting and I always felt curious about this issue. appreciate the importance given Everything story is true. For starters my name is Marcela Quintero., 47 years-supplement my husband's work from my home with zonal-trade customers, but spend time as a housewife with two teenage children who are studying tertiary and secondary - I have time so I started photographing devote to this activity in the sky. began in October of 2012 - exactly on October 28 when I go out to my garden to feed my turtle Beagle she was my dog when I tend to feed, the two animals look up was strange to see a turtle leave their food and try to lift the head with his shell .. I was surprised ... then pensé.-uhh! returned the hen-I saw several times. When I look up what I saw surprised me. - white triangle in the sky is a kite I thought ... But it was not 30 hours were 12 noon-Surprising the perception of animals I observe a few minutes, the first thing was to find the camera., but as usual, that day was low battery, fire repeatedly until trailed off. Meanwhile, do not get over my amazement to see out of that triangle as white spheres . Do not receding. They were around that. saw. today I photographing three areas are not seen them, but the camera captures them. At one point changes shape and uniform is circulated before and my view very bright white with a blue sky. background. I had moved away. I ran to my balcony to see better but slowly walked away at that moment my son arrived. It was 14 pm. I asked him to come up and I showed him where it was that I saw. By that time was a white circle as a star that lost to the south. He saw it and was amazed. My son is 21 years old can understand the logic of things. since that event try to calm down and that in my house my husband and my daughter took it lightly. But seeing the picture changed their opinión.-I did not pay attention for a few months, and in December began with a photo that I asked my niece who studied photography. I like the clouds as they form and my deck look very clear to shoot, then shoot a pair and photographed the surface neighborhood, garden flowers, butterflies, sometimes planes usually fly low, and when the I went down to the computer. Surprise again. Objects appeared in the sky. I started editing and if flying objects were seen in different ways that were not terrestrial - Henceforth I do almost daily but I usually relax and plan the event and in the photos always-know if you know of others. MATERIAL INFORMATION PROVIDED WITNESS FOR THE OBSERVATION 1 (28/10/2012) 1 - NOTE THIS PHENOMENON FROM 28 OCTOBER 2012. - 2 - FIRST TIME OF OBSERVATION: 24:30. - 3 - NOTE TIME: ONE HOUR AND MEDIA. - 4 - SECOND WITNESS: A CHILD OF 21 YEARS WHEN ARRIVING PHENOMENON IS NOW OUT OF OBSERVATION POINT. - 5 - THE PHENOMENON
IS PERCEIVED BY ANIMALS (AS SHOWN IN THE NARRATIVE OF THE WITNESS.) - 6 - LOOK TO THE PERSISTENT ANIMALS TO HEAVEN, THE WITNESS REALIZE THAT IN THE SKY AND A CONSIDERABLE HEIGHT (NO ESTIMATED) MOVES ON A SLOW AND STEADY, WHICH IDENTIFIED AS AN OBJECT OF PROPERTY AND WHITE triangular . - 7 - OBJECT OF THREE AREAS THAT ARE OUT THIS MOVING ALONG THE SAME SPEED AND NOT MUCH separating. - 8 - THE OBJECT (NAME ASSIGNED THE WITNESS) TRIANGULAR BASE HAS IN THREE light sources. - 9 - THE triangular object BECOMING CIRCULAR FORM CHANGE. - 10 - AT 14:00 HOURS AND A HALF HOUR AFTER WATCHING THE OBJECT IS LOST SIGHT OF THE WITNESS WITH SOUTHBOUND. - 11 - KEPT IN ALL YOUR TRAVEL SOUTH STEERING. - 2 º NOTE (12/05/2013). 1 - THE WITNESS TO EDIT PHOTOS TAKING OF HEAVEN AND THEIR FORMATION cloud NOTE THE PRESENCE OF ITEMS, WHICH IS NOT APPRECIATE THE EYE. - 2 - ACCORDING TO WITNESSES, THE FORMS TO BE SUBMITTED TO EDIT THE PHOTOS ARE VARIED. - (SENDING A PHOTO TAKEN AT SUNSET, REMEMBERING NO DATE). 3 - THE WITNESS CONFIRMS PRESENCE OF THESE OBJECTS IS CONSTANT AND OTHER PERSONS UNKNOWN IF SEEN THE SAME AREA. - 4 - THE WITNESS SAYS TODAY BEFORE TAKING THE PICTURES USUALLY "RELAX AND EVENT PROJECT." - STUDIO RESULTING and associates The witness believes the UFO phenomenon (UFO) with extraterrestrial forever. What he saw predisposed to adopt a higher spiritual plane of life and to look within himself, a sensitivity through the projection of his desire to see these demonstrations. thing seen in the photos (3) and its extensions are undoubtedly physical objects moving through the air hard drive emanating from themselves (28/10/2012 case) and having a constant speed, which could be compared to that of a "balloon Atmospheric Research Probe" and a steady course "South." phenomenon is clearly visible at the base having three point lighting, still very possible that changing your perspective in relation to the point where he was being watched has changed its shape to the circular. Notably in the picture are not three white spheres, that the witness says, go inside the triangle accompany him in his flight, unless they can be of three luminous points are denoted at the base and that at some point are separating from it. Regarding your speed and not having a reference parameter is impossible to determine with certainty, so it can not determine the flying height or dimensions. There is nothing in the picture that tells us some kind of reflection of solar incidence, therefore we can not determine if was characteristic metallic. - DEFINITION No data sufficient for identification. Mario Lupo Regional Director of Buenos Aires Province Argentina Republic MUFON ARGENTINA
UFOs: A Great New Dawn for Humanity: The True Story of a Contactee and His Encounter with Intelligent Beings Who Have Visite
Respuesta Biblica al Fenomeno OVNI (Spanish Edition)
Ovnis: Investigacion Y Conclusiones (Spanish Edition)
Shandong man claims he electrocuted an alien and stored it in his freezer...(Ricky D's Chinese cousin?)
Today in 'obvious bullshit': a man from Binzhou, Shandong province, claims he found an alien on the banks of the Yellow River and stored it in his freezer, Guizhou Metropolis Daily reports.
Weibo is currently going nuts over this story, and the not-at-all-fake-looking photos that accompany it. The discoverer of the extraterrestrial, a man surnamed Lee, said he saw a number of UFOs flying over the Yellow River when one crashed to the ground. The alien conveniently hit an electric rabbit trap Lee had set up previously, incapacitating it and allowing Lee to transport it to his freezer.
According to a statement from Binzhou police, the alien is, amazingly, fake. Upon inspection, the extraterrestrial proved to be made out of rubber.
Netizens seem to be in an especially credulous/stupid mood today. Also trending on Weibo is the following photo of a purported UFO over the Dajiuhu National Wetland Park taken by a tourist from Beijing. Spoiler, this is also not real.
Houtong Cat Village, Taiwan
Houtong is a small mining town located in Rueifang District of Taiwan, a district renowned for its rich, well-preserved railway culture with the old Yilan Line which was built during the Japanese colonial period for transporting resources out of northern Taiwan. Houtong was a train stop on the Yilan Line and one of Taiwan’s biggest coal-mining sites up until the 1970s. During its most prosperous years, Houtong’s mines produced some 220,000 tons of coal, the largest amount of coal yielded in a single area in Taiwan. This attracted many residents to migrate to Houtong, and the town grew to as many as 900 households and population of more than 6,000.
As the coal mining industry began to fall into decline in 1990, development in Houtong became progressively worse. Young residents started to move out of town to look for other opportunities, and only a few hundred residents remained. The once prosperous mining industry fell into ruins and was lying so for decades.
Things took an unexpected turn sometime around 2008, when a cat lover organized a team of volunteers to give the neighborhood’s abandoned cats a better living environment. They posted the cats’ pictures on the web and received an overwhelming response from other cat lovers. Visitors' raves on local blogs drew more cat lovers to this place who came to photograph the cats or fondle and frolic with them. Soon Houtong became a hotbed for cat lovers and amateur photographers. Today, the dilapidated mining town and the 100-odd felines that roam the streets are drawing thousands of tourists during weekends.
Houtong residents are cashing in on the tourist influx by opening souvenir shops and selling cat-shaped pineapple pastries. Even the footbridge leading from the station’s exit across the tracks to the hillside cat village has recently been beautified and given a distinct “cat-look,” complete with ears at one end and a tail at the other. The bridge now even includes an elevated “catwalk,” allowing the cats to come down from the village and greet visitors who arrive by train.
The cats are looked after by the town’s residents. Chan Bi-yun, a 58-year-old retiree takes a lot of the credit for Houtong's feline-induced rebirth.
"I started raising five cats that belonged to a neighbor who passed away nine years ago and they gave birth to more and more kitties," she said. "Now I feed about half of Houtong's cat population." - Amusing Planet

Expert ‘discovers’ farewell letters Eva Braun wrote to friend days before her suicide in Hitler’s bunker
As the Red Army smashed into the suburbs of Berlin in April 1945, the mood of Hitler’s bride-to-be Eva Braun turned from fragile hope to black despair.
Letters she is said to have written from the bunker hideout she shared with the Fuhrer and his henchmen reveal her growing sense of doom.
In one, dated April 19, she writes that, despite the thud of artillery and falling bombs, she is ‘happy to be close’ to Hitler and remains ‘convinced that everything will turn out all right’.
But three days later, as Soviet troops overwhelm the German capital’s exhausted defence force – many of them old men and boys – her mood has changed. She says: ‘We are fighting here until the last but I’m afraid the end is threatening closer and closer.’
She also writes of preparing to die and her bewilderment at how God could let such things happen.
Eight days later, 33-year-old Braun was dead, killing herself alongside her husband of only a few hours, Adolf Hitler.
The letters are published this week in a book called Women of the Third Reich
The writer, whose books have been translated into more than 30 languages, insists the letters are genuine and were written by Braun to her friend Herta Schneider.
‘I have no doubt that the letters are genuine and Eva Braun has typed them, correcting her faults by hand,’ she said.
She claims the descendants of Schneider, who died nearly 20 years ago, showed her the letters. She said she copied them down before they were sold on to a collector.
In the second letter Braun says: ‘Greetings to all my friends, I’m dying how I’ve lived. It’s not difficult for me. You know that.’ Continue reading at Daily Mail
Women in Nazi Germany
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany
Inside the Third Reich
Rhino species extinct due to African rangers selling out
Another one of Earth’s majestic creatures has bitten the dust forever.
The western black rhino, a subspecies of the black rhino, was declared extinct last month by The International Union for Conservation of Nature, as no sightings of the creature have been reported since 2006. The blame rests entirely on us humans, or more specifically, on the greed of humans.
The western black rhino, which lived for millennia in the southern part of Africa, was killed off by the ceaseless efforts of poachers. According to a May 7, 2013 article in Earth First News, the horns are desired because of a superstition in some countries that they can cure or prevent everything from cancer to a headache after a night of too much drinking.
According to the conservation site, the rich elite in Asian countries have a high demand for the rhino horn as a symbol of wealth. The horn is ground up and used in a tonic drink. Traditional Chinese medicine has long used rhino horn to treat high fevers and convulsions, as well as clearing out toxins from alcohol consumption.
Affluent persons in Vietnam are the population who most frequently use rhino tonic as a hangover cure, but also to help treat cancer as cultural superstition recommends. According to TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, evidence strongly suggests the promotion of claims of the miracle curative powers of the rhino horn is simply a contemptuous marketing ploy to increase the profitability of the trade. It seems pretty ridiculous for an entire species to die due to a false superstition and the profit that can be made by playing off fear.
Poachers hunt in national parks, sometimes bribing park rangers to give them more information on where rhinos are usually seen. A May 2, 2013 article in the Associated Press outlined an interview with Antonio Abacar, the warden of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park in Mozambique. Abacar told the AP that game rangers have been aiding poachers, and 30 of the park’s 100 rangers will soon be in court to face the allegations. The same article alleged that poachers pay the rangers up to 3,000 meticai ($96 U.S. dollars) a month.
Other species of rhino are also at risk of extinction. The Javan rhino, which lives throughout Southeast Asia, is the most threatened of the remaining rhino species. According to the World Wildlife Fund, Vietnam’s very last Javan rhino was poached in 2010.
Joining forces with conservationists and being more mindful about where our money goes are the best ways to support preservation of endangered species. The World Wildlife Fund serves to try and protect the species that need help through single animal adoption and pushing legislature toward a more wildlife-friendly future.
It’s a sad time for environmentalists, as time and time again we must be faced with the grim reminder of our effect on the planet and its inhabitants. The rhino has only one natural predator: man that has gone mad for money. - Eastern Echo
Dinosaurs to Dodos: An Encyclopedia of Extinct Animals
National Geographic Investigates: Animals on the Edge: Science Races to Save Species Threatened With Extinction (National Geographic Investigates Science)