Is HAARP responsible for Hurricane Sandy's assault on the East Coast?
An independent website that has a real-time sensor network from over 28 sensors placed in rural areas across the United States has recorded the strongest HAARP readings in the projects history.
The readings, in and around the New England area, are literally off the charts and lend credence to other claims that Hurricane Sandy is possibly being engineered to cause massive destruction.
In a Facebook post, the HAARP monitoring website posted this startling description above the photo of the readings:
Strongest readings in the history of this project have peaked. A never before seen white-shade indicates that a value higher than 10 on the
1-10 scale has been indicated. It has no color assigned!
HaarpStatus has finally come to a bullseye over what looks like Rhode Island and Connecticut.
Current projections at NOAA say Hurricane Sandy will hit New Jersey. Our status numbers disagree. The storm is being steered toward the higher concentration numbers.
Truly remarkable numbers and it is one to archive because this may never be seen again in a very long time.
A post on also reported on the readings from HAARP Status and confirmed that these readings have, until now, been unheard of.
The article noted that while the National Weather Service is claiming that the hurricane is set to hit New Jersey, HAARP Status is predicting landfall in New England. (which is where the off the chart HAARP patterns has been recorded.)
“I’ve never seen it that white before,” said Senior Meteorologist Kevin Martin.
“They indicate the white means higher than their values can hold so whatever it is is a bad signals.”
Regardless of where the hurricane actually hits, these readings seem to indicate that some sort of engineering of the storm has taken place whether or not it was to push the storm into the country or away from it remains up to the reader to decide.
Interestingly, this remarkable info comes as many in the alternative media have speculated whether or not Sandy was being engineered in order to somehow disrupt the elections.
In the broadcast above, the fact that this storm could very well knock out power throughout the east coast, therefore completely and totally disrupting the election as a way to somehow keep Obama in power, is detailed meticulously.
This is a very important point when you consider that we now apparently have off the chart HAARP readings throughout the east coast.
The obvious hope is that the storm will decrease in strength as it moves closer to the United States and this may very well happen but the fact remains that weather modification is a 100% real, declassified FACT and ignoring its possibility would be outright insane. -
Keep Out!: Top Secret Places Governments Don't Want You to Know About
21st Century Complete Guide to HAARP, High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Project - Massive Air Force and Navy Program (CD-ROM)
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7 children fall ill at Toronto Art Gallery
The Hazmat team is investigating after seven children fell ill at the Art Gallery of Ontario on Friday afternoon.
One child fainted and four others complained of abdominal pain while viewing the Frida & Diego exhibit.
They were taken to hospital as a precaution and are expected to be fine.
“Preliminary indications are it might be carbon monoxide,” Toronto police Sgt. Ian McLaughlin said.
“There’s no levels of anything outside the ordinary inside the AGO. It may have been something out in the street, like a construction site or a bus idling,” he added.
The children are about 10 or 11 years old, he said. They had taken the subway to the gallery.
An adult woman was also taken to hospital from the AGO, but it was unrelated to the children falling ill, McLaughlin said.
The AGO released a statement, saying, "As the safety of visitors and staff is the AGO's top priority, the exhibition space was immediately cleared and environmental conditions were fully assessed."
"Testing confirmed that the Gallery's air quality is excellent throughout the building, and shortly thereafter the exhibition was re-opened." - CityTV
North Korean minister 'obliterated'
A North Korean army minister was reportedly executed with a mortar round for drinking and carousing during the official mourning period after the death of Kim Jong-il.
Kim Chol, the vice-minister of the army, was taken into custody earlier this year on the orders of Kim Jong-un, who assumed the leadership after his father died in December. On the orders of Mr Kim to leave "no trace of him behind, down to his hair", Kim Chol was forced to stand on a spot that had been zeroed in for a mortar round and was "obliterated", South Korean media reported.
The execution is just one example of a purge of members of the North Korean military or party who threatened the fledgling regime of Mr Kim.
So far this year, 14 senior officials have fallen victim to the purges, according to intelligence data provided to Yoon Sang-hyun, a member of the South Korean foreign affairs, trade and unification committee.
Those that have fallen from favour include Ri Yong-ho, the head of the army, and Ri Kwang-gon, the governor of the North Korean central bank.
Analysts suggest Mr Kim is acting to consolidate his power base and deter any criticism of his youthfulness and inexperience. He is believed to be either 28 or 29.
"When Kim Jong-un became North Korean leader following the mourning period for his father in late December, high-ranking military officers started disappearing," a source told the Chosun Ilbo newspaper.
"From information compiled over the last month, we have concluded that dozens of military officers were purged."
It also appears that Mr Kim told officials to use the excuse of misbehaviour during the mourning period to remove any potential opponents.
Other officials have been executed by firing squads.
Since being elevated to second-in-command by his father in 2010, Mr Kim has reportedly been behind the dismissal of at least 31 senior officials. - SMH
The Impossible State: North Korea, Past and Future
Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader: North Korea and the Kim Dynasty
Escaping North Korea: Defiance and Hope in the World's Most Repressive Country