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Monday, April 30, 2012

Deming, NM Occupant Case

In a late June or July 1972, in Deming, New Mexico (USA), Mrs. Hilda McAfee and her mother, driving in the direction of Las Cruces where, about 23 miles east of Deming, she was surprised to see a blinding ray of light.

Amid the strong light, she observed two figures of average height, wearing pale blue overalls. The costume was very large, with wide belts, gloves, and dark boots. On their heads was a case with the dark visor.

The humanoids were not concerned by the presence of women.

They were "repairing" or "working" under a artifact that emitted a blue light, while talking to each other.

They seemed rigid in their movements. Patti Morris, a researcher, said the women believed they had hit the artifact with their vehicle as it was in the middle road. They also speculate that the "light" of the device was used to avoid an accident.

The two women had burning, sharp pains in the chest and arms after the encounter on the road.

Interestingly, the husband of Mrs. McAfee, Mike Rogers, is the brother of one of the witnesses of the famous Travis Walton case.


During the course of his investigation of the Walton case, Field Investigator Raymond Jordan obtained a lead on a possible occupant report in Deming, New Mexico, dating back to 1972. The case was turned over to Field Investigator Patti Morris, who submits the following report and accompanying sketch which was done to the specification of the witnesses:

On a clear but dark summer evening in June or July 1972 (exact day and month uncertain), Mrs. Hilda McAfee and her elderly mother were on their way home by car from Las Cruces, New Mexico, to Deming. Interstate 10 was relatively devoid of traffic as they clipped along at about 65 miles per hour, heading west. At about 23 miles east of Deming the evening was disrupted by a beam of blue light which shone down on them from what seemed to be a short distance straight ahead, and emanating from the same lane in which they were driving. The light was huge and blinding and Mrs. McAfee prepared to swerve around an object on the ground just ahead.

As she pulled around the object, the two women were within viewing distance of two men bathed in the brilliant blue light, but only gathered a quick view of them. They appeared to be of average height and rather stocky. They were clad in pale, blue, bulky quilted coveralls. Mrs. McAfee's mother noted that they were wearing wide belts which matched the coveralls, gloves, with no insignias in evidence. Mrs. McAfee said they were wearing dark boots which reached the mid-calf. Both agreed that the "men" were identically dressed and wore helmets similar in appearance to those worn by motorcyclists, including a visor (dark) which concealed the facial features.

The figures appeared "rigid" and not aware of, or if so, unconcerned about, the presence of the two women. One had his back turned to the women and seemed to be working on something connected with the object located above them, while the other was turned sideways, facing him, and appeared to be talking to his companion. Both were standing flat on the pavement, either beside or underneath the presumed object and the blue light which shone down on them from a point somewhere above. At the same time the beam of light which had been focused on the two women was still glaring at them, and followed the car as it drove around the men and object.

Also noted were black rods estimated to be four or five inches wide located near the "men", but no details were noted. The entire object was described as being obscure and no sound was heard. The only lights visible were the light from above and the spotlight and the object was vaguely discerned as about the size of a truck and sitting high off the ground. Mrs. McAfee said she wasn't certain but that they may have passed partially under the object in their attempt to avoid hitting it.

After they passed the men and the object, the women looked back but all was dark and no trace was seen of the tableau. They later speculated that whatever it was, had used the light to prevent a collision and turned it off after the women had passed it. Mrs. Morris concurred on this point.

An odd aspect of this case is the aftermath. Both women suffered a burning, aching pain in their chests and arms after the encounter, and "even their bones" seemed to hurt. Both ladies thought the pain was caused by the light which was so brilliant it lit up the floorboards of the car and was much brighter than daylight. Neither of the women had ever had a UFO experience before and were totally unaware of them.

Field Investigator Morris was very impressed with the sincerity of the two women who were eager to tell of their experience. Mrs. McAfee is landlady to Mr. "Chaney" Rogers, who is a brother of Mike Rogers, one of the six witnesses to the Travis Walton incident. It was because of the Walton incident that Mrs. McAfee and her mother decided to divulge their experience. Mrs. McAfee decided no one would laugh at them now.

Other information about the site of the McAfee incident: Terrain: flat desert land. Population: sparsely settled. Weather: Clear, warm. Air Traffic: non noticed. Overall time of sighting: five minutes. Noise/odor: none. - Patti Morris, APRO Bulletin, Vol. 24 No. 6 (Dec 1975)

NOTE: Deming, New Mexico had another humanoid encounter on April 12, 1992 as described below:

Near Deming, New Mexico - April 12, 1992 - 2320

The witness was driving on US 180 along the desert and was listening to his CB radio when the radio suddenly went silent and he vaguely noticed a patch of white light shining on a rise over the left side of the road. He then heard a voice in his head telling him to "watch out for the smoke." Thinking it had been the CB radio he replied but there was no answer. Suddenly what looked like a huge luminous cloud of smoke began stretching across the highway ahead, it formed a solid curtain across the road. The witness drove into the grayish-white vapor for an hour. He stopped his vehicle and walked across the road and into a ditch but was still unable to see anything. He suddenly went into a state of paralysis and sensed the approach of two persons. Each person got on either side of the witness and placed a firm grip on his forearms. The beings had long bony fingers. He was then led to a shiny metallic object, shaped like a flattened arch with rounded ends. A rectangular opening appeared on the side of the craft. Next he remembers sitting back on a chair inside the object feeling dizzy and numb. He was briefly alone then two beings entered the room. One being was a male with a round oval face with two large oval black eyes. He was five-foot tall with a thin torso and limbs. The second being was a female, similar to the male being. The witness was then led to a dimly lit room and placed in a reclining position on a chair. He felt a buzzing stimulating sensation on his facial area and felt as if a small object was being introduced into his nose. He was then released and let outside and floated horizontally towards his vehicle. He resumed the drive and the vapor-like fog quickly dissipated.

Source: Richard J Boylan PhD, Les K Boylan, Close Extraterrestrial Encounters
Type: G - When there is direct contact or interaction between a witness or witnesses and a humanoid or entity; either involuntary, as a result of a forced abduction, or as a voluntary contact.
Albert Rosales - Humanoid Sighting Reports

The Roswell Incident: An Eyewitness Account (Haunted: Ghosts and the Paranormal)

Ufos over New Mexico: A True History of Extraterrestrial Encounters in the Land of Enchantment

The Roswell Legacy: The Untold Story of the First Military Officer at the 1947 Crash Site

Just the Facts?: Yum! Giant Cannibal Shrimp -- Manipulative Extraterrestrials -- Spirit Told Man To Dig For Treasure

Scientists: Giant cannibal shrimp invasion growing

An invasion of giant cannibal shrimp into America's coastal waters appears to be getting worse.

Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported Thursday that sightings of the massive Asian tiger shrimp, which can eat their smaller cousins, were 10 times higher in 2011 than in 2010.

“And they are probably even more prevalent than reports suggest, because the more fisherman and other locals become accustomed to seeing them, the less likely they are to report them,” said Pam Fuller, a USGS biologist.

The shrimp, which can grow to 13 inches long, are native to Asian and Australian waters and have been reported in coastal waters from North Carolina to Texas.

They can be consumed by humans.

"They're supposed to be very good. But they can get very large, sorta like lobsters," Fuller said.

While they may make good eatin' for people, it's the eating the giant shrimp do themselves that worries scientists.

"Are they competing with or preying on native shrimp," Fuller asked. "It's also very disease-prone."

To try to get those answers, government scientists are launching a special research project on the creatures.

“The Asian tiger shrimp represents yet another potential marine invader capable of altering fragile marine ecosystems,” NOAA marine ecologist James Morris said in a statement. “Our efforts will include assessments of the biology and ecology of this non-native species and attempts to predict impacts to economically and ecologically important species of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.”

Scientists are uncertain how many of the giant shrimp are in U.S. waters.

In 1998, about 2,000 of the creatures were accidentally released from an aquaculture facility in South Carolina. Three hundred of those were recovered from waters off South Carolina, Georgia and Florida within three months.

Farming of the giant shrimp ended in the United States, but they were caught again off Alabama, North Carolina, Louisiana and Florida.

Five were caught off Texas last year, according to Tony Reisinger, country extension agent for the Texas Sea Grant Extension Service.

Scientists don't know if there is a breeding population in U.S. waters. Tiger shrimp females can lay 50,000 to a million eggs, which hatch within 24 hours. Or the shrimp may be carried here by currents or in ballast tanks of marine vessels.

The latest study will look at the DNA of collected specimens.

“We’re going to start by searching for subtle differences in the DNA of Asian tiger shrimp found here – outside their native range – to see if we can learn more about how they got here,” USGS geneticist Margaret Hunter said in a statement. “If we find differences, the next step will be to fine-tune the analysis to determine whether they are breeding here, have multiple populations, or are carried in from outside areas.” - CNN

NOTE: I can attest that I have eaten Asian Tiger Shrimp...they are fantastic! The local fish mongers here in Baltimore have been selling these prawns for decades....and they are HUGE! Lon


Manipulative Extraterrestrials rather than human beings control Earth

Why do our efforts as humans beings to affirm our quality-of-life seem to have been frustrated? If you asked yourself, your friends, neighbours, family members and others, you might find out some basic generalities. As humans, we prefer peace to war. We prefer to have our rights protected, rather than subverted. We tend to prefer to have our environment protected rather than destroyed. We tend to also prefer a caring society rather than to have a “survival of the fittest society” in which people who are not financially successful, are basically left to rot.

As humans, we tend to embrace concern for the welfare of others and other species, from our pets, to wildlife. We also value “material comforts” but not to the point that it sacrifices our fundamental concerns for our quality-of-survival. Yet, as human beings, we seem to be also “governed” by values which our alien to our sensibilities.

Our environment is being destroyed; war rages despite our desires for peace; and people are being left to rot in our communities, and globally. In Canada, for example, virtually 100% of Canadians polled wanted aboriginal treaty rights settled. Yet, in a supposedly developed democracy as Canada, there seems to be no hope for such a settlement. Why?

Dr. Michael Salla and his colleagues suggest that the apparent alien values which seem to be controlling humanity’s governance are literally ‘alien’. According to Dr. Salla, Earth’s problems can be tracked to an “unacknowledged extraterrestrial presence”, and that reality forms a major challenge in the public grasping political challenges for the affirmation of human quality-of-living on Earth.

Dr. Salla writes in Exopolitics: Political Implications Of The Extraterrestrial Presence: “The military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex (MIEC) of interests currently controls most information concerning the extraterrestrial presence; and [also] dominates government institutions around the planet; financial interests; the mass media, and is responsible for systemic global problems.”

In this report, Dr. Salla describes “the main extraterrestrial races most commonly referred to in the literature, [and] who appear to have most strategic significance for the evolution and sovereignty of humanity, and [for] their impact on a range of systemic global problems.” Dr. Salla cites problems from environmental problems to war to the drug trade aimed at destabilizing communities, through mass-intoxications and an ensuing culture of violence.

Michael Salla “distinguishes between these extraterrestrial races on the basis of their belonging to one of either two distinct categories. The first category contains extraterrestrial races which with Earthbound operatives form “MIEC”. Dr. Salla claims an “extensive set of interlocking agreements between these races and operatives suggests, the existence of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex of interests.”

Dr. Salla elaborates that: “The systemic global problems caused by the MIEC are an increasing burden and immediate threat to human freedom and sovereignty.” Dr. Salla includes shape-shifting aliens as the “humanized face of aliens” in his research. Dr. Salla suggests that “the alternative is [for human beings to find strategies] to work with those extraterrestrials outside the MIEC, that have emancipatory and ethical rather than a manipulative and control agenda. - lecanadian

The Myth and Mystery of UFOs

Extra-Planetary Experiences: Alien-Human Contact and the Expansion of Consciousness


The first “vampire” patient in Vietnam

Dr. Nguyen Duy Hung, Secretary General of the Vietnam Dermatology Association, told VietNamNet that the patient is only five years old and she comes from Soc Son district, Hanoi.

The patient was hospitalized over a month ago, with acute wounds on her skin. There are hundreds of blisters, with liquid inside, and scars on the girl’s body, particularly on exposed parts like face, neck, arms and legs. The skin that is covered by clothing looks normal.

These scars have deformed the girl’s face, arms and legs. Her fingernails and toes are atrophied because of scars.

The patient is also very hairy and she does not develop normally. She is only 13 kilos in weight and has anemia.

Doctors made a lot of tests and diagnosed that the girl contracted a rare innate disease called Porphyrin syndrome. This is a genetic disease.

According to Dr. Hung, this disease is uncommon in the world, with around 200 cases recorded worldwide so far.

The doctor says that this disease is also called “vampire” disease because the skin of patients gets injured when it touches sunlight, leaving terrifying scars and atrophied limbs.

Dr. Hung adds that there is no measure to treat this disease to the very roots. Doctors can help deal with anemia and skin wounds, and in some cases they can perform bone marrow transplant.

The doctor says that this is the first “vampire” patient treated at the Central Dermatology Hospital, or perhaps the first in Vietnam.

The patient is the youngest child in a family with four children. The patient’s second brother had similar symptoms but he died at the age of seven.

The patient has left hospital but the family and the hospital has maintained communications. The patient will be examined periodically.

This disease can be detected very early, during pregnancy.

This disease can be mistaken with other skin diseases. - vietnamnet

NOTE: the images are just too I decided to leave out. Lon


Man rescued from back garden hole after spirit told him to dig for treasure

The regional Tactical Rescue Team and other emergency personnel worked on Friday night to get a man out of a large hole in the backyard of his Elkhart, Indiana home. According to the 25-year-old man's father, a spirit had told him to dig for treasure, and that's what he did for three days before becoming mired in dirt and water.

The father said the spirit told his son there was gold buried in the backyard of the home, which they are renting. The father helped him dig for three days until hitting water, which the son was sucked into and became stuck up to his knees. The father made it out alright.

Firefighters, who arrived at the scene at around 6:30 p.m., found a hole about eight-feet deep that became a tunnel at the bottom. They used a vacuum truck to suck out the water and sand and used plywood to hold up the side walls.

At around 8:30 p.m. the rescuers were able to pull the man up on a ladder. He walked a short distance to a waiting ambulance where he was given IV liquids and taken to Elkhart General Hospital. The father said his son is under observation and is doing OK.


U.S. Military requesting 'magic bullets'

It sounds like something from a science fiction film, but soon, a ‘magic bullet’ that floats around in the air waiting for its target could become science fact.

This far-fetched sounding piece of ammunition isn’t designed to kill, though.

Called ‘Nonlethal Warhead for Miniature Organic Precision Munitions’, there isn’t even a prototype yet - but it’s on the U.S Army’s wish list.

It’s been requested through the U.S Government’s ‘Small Business Innovation Research’ program, which encourages companies to research and build products in return for a potential commercial deal.

For the floating bullet, the Army admits that ‘this effort will require innovative research and advancements in non-lethal technologies which can be packaged within a very small volume and weight’ and suggests that designers should consider ‘mechanical, such as rubber balls; acoustic; chemical; electrical; or dazzle’.

The idea certainly isn’t pie in the sky, as the U.S Army already has a ‘kamikaze’ robotic drone dubbed Switchblade, which quietly hovers before dive-bombing and blowing up a target.

It launches from a tube before its wings fold out as it flies into the air.

The U.S. Army is paying manufacturer AeroVironment $4.9million for the drones to help it develop a new way of killing suspected militants.

The drones have a miniature electric motor and transmit live video from overhead, which helps soldiers identify the enemy.

The operators can then send a message to the drone ‘to arm it and lock its trajectory onto the target’, the company said.

The drone will fly into a target and detonate a small explosive - but it can still be disarmed at the last moment even if it is heading for a kill.

The Army's Close Combat Weapons Systems (CCWS) signed the contract for the drones with AeroVironment last June. - dailymail

Friday, April 27, 2012

Just the Facts?: Green Cloud Over Moscow -- Congo Cannibals -- 'They' came on my boat...

Strange green cloud over Moscow...locals freaked!

Because far from paranormal or the onset of war, according to officials in Moscow, it is nothing but pollen.

As people around the capital began to gawk at the seemingly ashy substance and reported being covered in what was thought to be dust, Twitter came alive with conspiracy theories.

Prior to the announcement users like GadgetExpert took to Twitter to say 'What the hell Is this giant green cloud in Moscow? Something highly strange is going on.'

Ruskin147 added 'Russian tweeters reporting green cloud over Moscow, rumours of chemical accident,' and russian_market said 'there is one BIG GREEN CLOUD OVER MOSCOW..... Spoooky.'

Even the city's tabloid newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda ran the headline 'Green clouds are coming toward Moscow, could it be that the apocalypse is upon us?'

Pictures and videos soon littered the internet, some showing green film covering windows in the city centre.

But following growing speculation Russia's Interfax news agency reported they had word from government sources who said: 'High heat, which came to the Moscow region with an intense wind, caused the formation of a large amount of pollen, which, mixing and moving in the air, can form such a cloud.'

Later reports suggest, more specifically, that it is in fact being caused by birch pollen.
But some social network users are still far from convinced.

MadmanCrow said: 'Green cloud over Moscow reported to be birch pollen? Sounds like B.S. to me.' - dailymail


Congolese Conflict: Surviving Cannibal Soldiers

We don't know much about Maria. A photographer named Marcus Bleasdale met her in the Democratic Republic of Congo in August of 2003. She was breastfeeding one of her three children, resting the infant's head on her good arm. Her other arm ends at the elbow, where it's capped by a fresh cast that reads "31/8," probably meaning that it can be removed on August 31. Her older son is also in the frame, bandages dangling from his scalp.

Maria told the photorapher that she lost the limb defending her children from one of the militant groups then terrorizing Ituri province, her home. Soldiers hacked it off at the elbow and ate the flesh. Maria does not say if the soldiers forced her to watch as they cooked and consumed her arm, but she would not have been the first in Ituri's war. When the sub-conflict of the Congolese Civil War peaked from 1999 to 2003, stories of cannibalism started to trickle out.

Stories like Maria's, and the larger Congolese conflict of which it was a part, are something we still talk about today. An art exhibit, meant to raise awareness, is currently shuttling Maria's photo around the globe, showing it and others to people in the highest levels of government. But the reasons we talk about Maria are nearly as complicated as the story itself, which is now mostly over, and risks over-simplifying our understanding as much as aiding it. - Continue reading at A Congo Mother Survives Cannibalism to Save Her Children


'They' came to my boat....

Crisfield, MD - unedited: Beginning November 2011 (dont laugh) I built a radio from a quartz crystal and my high frequency ships radio on my sailboat...and through focusing my frequency I asked UFOs, inter-dimensional beings, ETs and beings that are here to help the planet come join me on/in my sailboat to help me heal the world. There is a lot more to this, as "just believed they were there" and "thanked them for their time and for coming."

After about two months of calling them through my radio and then "holding a healing service for the world," I was directed to begin photographing the inside of the boat...and to my surprise, there were many beings, orbs, "things that I cannot explain" and phenomenon of all kinds showing up in the photos. After a while, some of these things began to be visible to my naked eye.

Soon "I was told" that the inside of the boat had become too crowded" and that "they" had moved outside. In short, I believe that I opened up a portal to another or several other dimensions...but that is not the point. I knew what I was doing and I knew what I expected to happen and it did.

I asked beings and UFOs and entities and "things" from many dimensions to come and help me pray for the world (again dont the photos speak for themselves). "We" held a "service" for one hour every single day for five months...and every single day many unusual beings and UFOs and entities came and either I assisted them or they assisted me. Soon, "they" allowed me to take their pictures. And within three months...thousands of beings and "universes" of all kinds began showing up in, on, around the boat.

It will be difficult for me to describe each photo (as I need to do) in this forum. So, someone from Mufon please contact me with an email address to send the photos and the descriptions to. I will include a few photos...but here is the point:

"They" came to my boat because I asked them to...and they kept coming back because I thanked them for taking time out of their busy schedules and for helping us here on earth. We are not alone. We have a lot of help...if we ask and if we are appreciative. Further, these beings are very real as you can clearly see by the shadows they cast. But more interesting is the fact that our physical reality is a tiny pin prick of the incredible reality that exists in other dimensions...and I have been allowed to pier into those realities. I guess they showed themselves to me so I can share with the world that "they are here." "They are here to help." "They are very, very real."

I will be happy to share my extensive collection of photos with anyone who requests...and share the rest of the story. I am putting a website together and will have my photos, experiences and story online soon.

Most of the photos are self-explanitory. However, the photo of me up on top of the sailboat mast-you will need to look for the black object just below me and to the right of me in the base of the clouds and bring that object in by blowing up the photo. My experience with these UFOs is that they are either drones or some different type of life form...a living entity very different than an organic life form we are used to seeing on earth. Anyway...this guy came around a lot.

As for the black/greyish being that is in the photos...most of him is sort of in my refridgerator. I have two photos of him. He is very real as noted by the shadows cast on the floor and walls.

As for the rest of the rockets and tiny universes and energy beings and light orbs and UFOs (those are the bright lights in the busy photos)-that will take a lot of explaining...some of the phenomenon I could clearly see with my naked eye and some was/is (I still have the phenomenon around me) when I photographed them.

Note: the first photo of the orb inside my boat was the beginning. If you load this photo on your computer and blow it up and look around, you can find over 25 light entities in just this one photo...and this is just the very beginniing. Subsquent photos have hudreds. Please let me know where to send the rest of the photos. Enjoy. - MUFON CMS


Locals fear 'kung fu' guinea pig

Locals in Hradok, Slovakia, are living in fear of a kung fu guinea pig. The pint-sized ninja terrified dog walker Marta Domotorova when it attacked her Hungarian pointer dogs during a stroll on heathland near her home.

With a series of spinning kicks and leaps the fearless rodent saw off both the hapless hounds as they tried to play with it. "Bona started barking and Meggie wanted to sniff it.

"I guess it got pretty scared although both dogs are harmless and just wanted to play," said Marta. But then they got pretty scared when the guinea pig started its kung fu chops," she added.

Local wildlife experts believe the furious furball is a household pet that's either escaped or been abandoned. "It's not the first time we've heard of this. These creatures are usually docile family pets but when they feel threatened they will fight for their lives like any animal that thinks it's been cornered," explained one. - austriantimes


Lost Pages From the Egyptian 'Book of the Dead' Found

Papyrus fragments from an Egyptian funerary text known as a Book of the Dead have been discovered in the archives of the Queensland Museum in Brisbane, Australia.

"We are incredibly surprised that we had such a significant object in our collection," museum CEO Ian Galloway told Australian press.

The discovery was made recently during a visit to the museum by British Museum Egyptologist John Taylor.

While on a tour of the Australian venue's Egyptian collection ahead of its new exhibit Mummy: Secrets of the Tomb (which opened Thursday), Taylor noticed a familiar name — Amenhotep, a well-known ancient Egyptian head of builders — on a fragile piece of papyrus long ago conserved by Queensland Museum curators.

Upon further examination of the collection, he confirmed that the ancient scraps were from The Book of the Dead of Amenhotep, an ancient Egyptian official from approximately 1420 B.C.

Portions of this particular manuscript were discovered in the 19th century, though parts were missing. Some is now held at the British Museum, with other segments at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.

"This is not the papyrus of just anybody. This is one of the top officials from Egypt at the peak of ancient Egypt's prosperity," Taylor told reporters in Brisbane.

According to Galloway, a woman donated the fragments in question to the museum almost 100 years ago. Staffers are now trying to track down her descendants.

The fragments will be scanned and Taylor hopes to start piecing the digital images together with the portions in the British Museum's collection.

"After over 100 years we're in a position to reconstruct this really important manuscript, perhaps in its entirety," he said. - cbc

The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day - The Complete Papyrus of Ani Featuring Integrated Text and Full-Color Images

Journey Through the Afterlife: Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead - The British Museum - NOTE: I have a copy of this book...magnificent! Worth the effort to obtain the hardbound version...the British Museum may have some still available. Lon


The Virus That Really Will Kill Your PC July 9th

It sounds like one of those annoying chain emails that show up from technically challenged acquaintances: “The FBI Will Take Your Computer Offline July 9 If It Has A Virus! Visit This Site Immediately To Check!! Forward This To Everyone You Know!!!”

But the Federal Bureau of Investigation really has posted a warning on its site about the risk of “DNSChanger” malware, which really will result in your computer getting disconnected from the Web on July 9 if you don’t clean it up.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Astor, Florida: Ground Zero for the Paranormal?

By David Hoes - Astor is a town of about 1500 residents that has a rich, but sometimes violent history. It is also the focal point for a remarkable variety of paranormal phenomena. The following is a list of some of the strange events in and around Astor:

- The ghost of an Indian chief and a French Huguenot Monk have been seen in the area

- A dinosaur-like river monster known as "Pinky" has been sighted by numerous witnesses

- UFOs have frequently been spotted in local skies

- Skunk Apes, a Florida version of Bigfoot, are said to inhabit the surrounding forest

- The town's lighthouse-keeper and drawbridge-tender were mysteriously murdered

- The leading citizen and largest property owner died on the Titanic

- A Transylvanian Count served as newspaper publisher and local historian

Astor History

Astor is located almost due north of Orlando and due west of Daytona Beach, on the west bank of the St. John's River. The lands around Astor were originally inhabited by Timucua Indians. There is a large shell mound just north of town where in the 1880s archeologists uncovered a number of relics and human remains.

French Huguenots escaping religious persecution settled at the present site of Astor in 1562. However, the entire colony was wiped out by Spanish troops in 1566. Later, the Spanish were driven out by the British.

The next European to settle in the area was James Spalding, who established a trading post at the present site of Astor in 1763. By that time, there were only about two dozen Timucua still alive. The rest had been killed by disease or war.

In 1822, a Jewish immigrant, Moses Elias Levy, raised oranges and sugar cane at the future site of Astor. During the Seminole wars, several forts were built in the vicinity. While some battles took place, more US troops died from disease than from combat. By 1870, the area was largely deserted.

However, in 1874, William B. Astor, Sr., purchased 12,000 acres of land along the St. John's river and established the town of Manhattan. When Astor died twenty years later, the town was officially renamed Astor in his honor. His son, John Jacob Astor IV inherited his father's estate and continued to promote the town. John Jacob Astor IV is remembered for his heroism during the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, when he gave-up up his place in a lifeboat to another passenger.

A more recent but somewhat less famous resident of Astor was Count Albert Wass de Szentegyed et Czege, (known as A. Wass de Czege) a Transylvanian nobleman and author, who came to Astor following World War II. He was the publisher of the local newspaper and a local historian.

Historical Legends

In his book, The history of Astor on the St. Johns, Astor Park, and the surrounding area, Count A. Wass de Czege tells of several local legends.

The first is the story of Oklawahumpka, the Indian chief who could not die. Spanish troops killed all of the members of an neighboring Indian tribe except for the chief, a large, powerful man.

Oklawahumpka took the tribe's totem pole to an island in the center of a desolate, forbidden swamp. A hawk, the symbol of the tribe, was carved in the top of this pole.

Years later, a group of Spanish soldiers led by Don Huerta explored this territory. He left some of his men with the boats while he and the rest of his troops explored the island. Neither Don Huerta nor the men with him were ever seen again. The soldiers who stayed with the boats reported hearing the cry of a large bird, possibly an eagle or hawk.

Over the years, others also vanished. Pirates who tried to escape justice by hiding in the swamp disappeared without a trace. Jonathan Higgins, manager of the Spalding trading post, also vanished here. His wife reported hearing the cry of a hawk coming from the swamp. In 1838 and 1863, US troops also disappeared here.

The last documented disappearance was in 1904 when a young surveyor failed to return. Searchers found a large footprint with one toe missing close to where the surveyor was last seen. According to legend, Oklawahumpka lost a toe to an alligator when he was a child.

The forbidden swamp still exists, somewhere northeast of Alexander Springs. From time to time, fishermen report seeing large footprints in the mud on the banks of Alexander Creek.

Another ghost story involves a French Huguenot monk. After the Spanish massacred the French settlers in 1566, they tied the only survivor, a monk, to a tree and tortured him until he died.

The ghost of the unfortunate monk has been seen over the centuries; some say his ghost still haunts Astor. In several on-line directories of haunted places, there are references made to a glowing figure who appears on a densely wooded street called Gobbler Road. Is this the ghost of the monk who died so many years ago?

The Astor Monster

Reports of the Astor Monster, also called "Pinky" and “The St. John's Monster” have circulated for hundreds of years. William Bartram, a famous American naturalist, traveled through Astor and Lake George in 1774. He wrote that his Indian guide kept referring to "the beast of the deep." Bartram later reported seeing "fiery dragons" around Volusia Bar in Lake George. This is where the lighthouse was later built.

The St. Francis Gazette of August 24, 1896, reported that "something dangerously large" overturned a fishing boat in a nearby lake. A week later, there was a report that the steamer "Osceola" was struck by something large near the same location.

Quite a few reports surfaced between 1949 and 1956. In 1949, a Jacksonville paper published a sketch of the "Astor Monster" as seen by a river guide. In 1956, strange footprints were found in the mud along the river. They were described as being about 10 inches long and reptilian, with three toes pointed to the front and two to the rear. Descriptions of the creature varied greatly, with some claiming it looked like a dinosaur and others describing a creature more like a manatee. According to one report, the creature had a single horn in the center of its head.

During the 1950s, over a dozen witnesses claimed to have seen the Astor Monster. Several individuals claimed to have shot at it but missed.

In his book Florida's Unexpected Wildlife: Exotic Species, Living Fossils, and Mythical Beasts in the Sunshine State, Michael Newton reported that in the late 1960s, fishing guide Buck Dillard and two clients encountered a beast 'the size of an elephant' while trolling on the St. Johns River near Lake Dexter. "Dillard says the creature walked along the river bottom, thus presumably eliminating possible confusion with a manatee."

The last reported sighting of the monster was in August of 1987, when two young men claimed to have struck it with their boat. Reportedly, it was about 35 feet long, greenish-gray, and had spikes on its back.

Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman mounted a 2008 expedition to search for Pinky, but was unsuccessful in learning more about the creature.

One newspaper reporter suggested that Pinky was a hoax. In a 1995 article in the Orlando Sentinel, Ormund Powers recalled a conversation he had with Count A. Wass deCzege, the former publisher of the newspaper in Astor.

“When I asked the Count to help me trace the origin of the Astor Monster, he let that question go by and instead told me a story about the Loch Ness Monster of Scotland.

'I knew the two men who invented the Loch Ness Monster,' he said.

'That thing was invented?' I asked.

'Out of whole cloth. They got together one day in Europe and decided they would invent a monster,' the count said. 'That was many, many years ago, you know. They just made him up from their overactive imaginations.'”

UFO Sightings near Astor

Astor has the unusual distinction of being near a Navy bombing range. The Pinecastle Range is the only live bombing range on the East Cost of the US. Does the close proximity of Pinecastle draw UFOs to the area? In September of 2010, former Air Force officer Robert Salas and other veterans claimed that UFOs are attracted to military installations. In any event, two UFO cases near Astor are especially interesting.

The first case occurred in the late 1950s. Jay Mallet, a navy pilot, was making dry runs at a target on the bombing range when he suddenly encountered a dozen small silver disks at about 10,000 feet altitude. It was approximately 9:30 am; visibility was good, and there were few clouds.

He described the metallic disks as being about the size of large garbage can lids. They had no lights, windows, markings or other features. "They simply looked like a squadron of flying saucers", he later reported. As he followed them they dropped down to about 1,000 feet.

Mallet was ordered to take photos using his gun cameras, but was never shown the film from the cameras. He was later sworn to secrecy about what he had seen.

In May of 1978, a widely reported Radar-Visual sighting also took place near Astor. According to the Ocala Star-Banner, on May 14, 1978, three UFOs were sighted over the U.S. Navy’s Pinecastle Range.

“The lights, described as red, white and green and about the size of a star, were sighted about 10 pm and tracked for several minutes by radar.

‘All I can tell you from here is what’s in the log,’ said Pinecastle’s Lt. Commander John L. Sullivan. ‘From what I can gather, the radar picked something up and it departed the area very quickly.’”

Timothy Collins, the radar technician who tracked the objects, said “I've never seen anything like it. And I don't want to see anything like it again.”

Master Chief Thomas O’Neal was reported as saying that the Warfare Range also had a rash of UFO sightings one or two years before the May 14, 1978 incident.

At the same time the Navy was tracking the UFOs, two women were driving south on Highway 19, just northwest of Astor, when they saw a bright light and a craft that resembled "tinker toys." Following their sighting, they experienced a period of missing time.

In the years since 1978, UFO reports have continued to come-in. In 2001, retired Air Force Major George Filer documented some of strange events on his website. According to his source, goats were found dead with their rectums removed and blood drained. Rabbits were found dead with puncture wounds on their necks. A horse was found dead near the top of a 15 foot Palmetto tree, where it could have only been dropped from above. Numerous disc-shaped UFOs were also seen in the vicinity. Even as recently as 2010, there have been other newspaper and Internet reports of earth-shaking explosions and UFO sightings in the area, even when Navy planes weren't using the range.

-Two Strange Unsolved Murders-

The Murdered Bridge-tender

Highway 40, the main road through Astor, was paved in 1926. A drawbridge was built across the St. Johns River, joining Astor on the west bank to Barberville on the east bank. Although the bridge was mostly made of steel, on the Astor side it was partly covered with wood and included a house for the bridge-tender. McQueen Johnson, who used to operate the ferry between Astor and Barberville, was hired as the first tender.

In 1935, while on the bridge, Johnson was shot in the back. He fell across the middle of the bridge, with his head in Lake County and his feet in Volusia County. Not only was Mr. Johnson's murder never solved; it was not even investigated. Neither county sheriff claimed jurisdiction, and both refused to investigate.

A new bridge was built in 1978, and the old bridge house and covering were moved to the Barberville Pioneer Settlement, where they remain today.

The Murdered Lighthouse Keeper

Astor's second murder mystery is that of a Lake George lighthouse-keeper Today, all that remains of the lighthouse are the pilings it once rested on. However, the Volusia Bar Light once marked the inlet of the Saint Johns River where it flowed into the south end of Lake George. It was surrounded by water and only accessible by boat. The pilings held up the light tower and a 1-1/2 story dwelling. It was placed into service in 1886.

As railroads replaced riverboats, the light was removed 1916. It was replaced with a bell-type foghorn which remained in use up to 1943.

A.J. Anderson served as one of the last keepers of the Volusia Bar Lighthouse. However, in 1938, his body was found floating face down in the river. Local mariners had become concerned when they noticed that the lighthouse was unattended for more than a week. An autopsy was performed on Mr. Anderson, and it was found that his neck had been broken. To this day, Mr Anderson's killer or killers remain unknown. Investigators found that the dwelling had been ransacked. It is thought that either Mr. Anderson attempted to fight off his attacker(s), or that his attackers were searching for valuables.

After it was taken out of service in 1943, the Volusia Bar Lighthouse served as a fish camp and briefly, as a family dwelling. However, someone set fire to the building in 1974, destroying everything but the pilings.

Reports of Hauntings

No one that I spoke with would go on the record to say that either of these structures was haunted. Since victims' relatives still live nearby, there may be a reluctance to discuss it. However, there are rumors of unusual occurrences connected with both the lighthouse and the bridge-keeper’s house. I have visited the bridge-keeper's house on two occasions, and on both occasions I felt very uneasy there.

Tales of the Skunk Ape

Florida is said to be home to a smaller version of Bigfoot known as the Skunk Ape. The name derives from the creature's horrible smell.

The Astor area, along with much of Lake and Marion counties, has a long history of Skunk Ape sightings. Many of the sightings have occurred just south of Astor near Alexander Springs. In an article for The Daily Sun newspaper, Gary Corsair wrote of several sightings near Astor:

November, 1977:

"A 67-year-old Baptist minister who says he hasn’t had a drink in 40 years tells how he stood eyeball-to-eyeball for 30 seconds with a great, hairy creature in the Ocala National Forest. The Rev. S. L. Whatley, pastor of the Fort McCoy Baptist Church, said he spotted the thing out of the corner of his eye while he was cutting wood with a chain saw three weeks ago. Whatley recalled Monday. 'It was standing upright, in the middle of some palmetto bushes, and that sapsucker was at least 7 1/2, maybe 8 feet tall.' The minister said the creature 'had dark, lighter-than-black hair on its head and chest, not much on its arms, and none on its face. It had kind of a flat face, a flat nose, its eyes were sunk in its sockets.' Whatley said he quickly went back to his truck to get an ax because 'me and that creature was going to mix it up,' but by the time he returned from the truck the creature had disappeared. He hastened to add that he hasn’t had a drink in 40 years."

July 2, 1980:

"Lake County Sgt. Dee Kirby, made casts of the half dozen 17-inch-by-6 1/2-inch footprints found near a bulldozer in the vicinity of Camp Ocala, a federal job training site. He said the prints showed a definite arching of the instep. five distinct toes and even some wrinkling along the instep. “(The prints) had a full four feet of distance between each of one,” he said, speculating that if they were real the creature that made them must be 10-to-12 feet tall and weigh close to 1,000 pounds. The prints were discovered by a private contractor doing roadwork for the U.S. Forestry Service."

Jim Bliss claimed to have seen these prints, which were in the Ocala National Forest about five miles northwest of Alexander Springs. “When I saw the footprints, I was just flabbergasted. These prints were six feet apart. This thing was huge,” he said.

Bliss also made plaster casts of prints the deputies overlooked. Although future searches for the skunk ape were unsuccessful, Bliss believes that the Skunk Ape exists.

“I believe it wholeheartedly. There’s something there,” Bliss said. “I know where he lives, but I can’t convince anyone to go there with me. He lives in Billy’s Bay, back behind Alexander Springs. There’s no doubt in my mind there is one. There’s been tons of people that’s seen them.”

Numerous other local sightings are listed on the Bigfoot Field Research Organization website, including the following:

- In 1986, a man camping near Astor reported that at 3:00 am he smelled something similar to a skunk, and sighted a large creature walking on two legs. In the morning, he found his coolers ransacked.

- In 1974, a man camping in the same area sighted a large bipedal creature at about 10:00 pm

- In March of 1994, a family camping in a secluded part of the forest heard unusual screams while camping in the forest.

- In 1996 a woman and her father were driving down a road in the forest when they sighted a hairy bipedal creature about 5 to 6 feet tall.

Future Investigations In Astor

When I began investigating stories about Astor, I worried that I wouldn't find enough material for an article. I now feel that more stories have yet to be told. There are vague reports of a fkigure in a black cape who wanders the forest; tales of campers hearing childrens' laughter from deep in the woods; rumors of the ghosts of Indians around the Volusia Bar; stories of haunted ghost towns deep in the forest; and other legends. I plan more investigations into this unique location, and hope others will share their stories.

*The author, David Hoes, has previously submitted articles and sighting reports to Phantoms and Monsters, including The Haunted Smallwood Store - Chokoloskee, Florida. I want to thank him for this well-researched offering.


Haunted Florida: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Sunshine State (Haunted Series)

Ghosthunting Florida (America's Haunted Road Trip)

Florida Ghosts and Pirates: Jacksonville, Fernandina, Amelia Island, St. Augustine, Daytona

Skunkape Stew Double Feature

Just the Facts?: Did UFO Cause Pakistan 737 Air Crash? -- Old Woman Springs Road -- SOHO UFO Real?

Did a UFO cause the Pakistan 737 air crash? Reports suggest pilot may have been 'buzzed' by a triangular-shaped object before the accident

Unconfirmed reports suggest that the cause of the Bhoja Air Boeing 737 crash in Pakistan last Friday may have been a UFO sighting by the pilot.

A Russian news report on the crash posted on YouTube incorporates footage of three mysterious lights moving in formation, leading to speculation in the UFO community that blame for the tragic accident may lie with an extra-terrestrial craft.

There are rumours that the pilot may have been buzzed by the object and complained to the control tower at Islamabad airport as he made his approach.

Mysterious: A Russian TV news report on the crash shows lights flying in formation
The official line, however, is that the passenger jet’s fuel tanks exploded mid-air during a heavy thunderstorm, killing all 127 people on board.

In a mayday call made moments before the disaster, the pilot of the stricken jet reported a fuel tank had caught fire and that the plane was out of control.

He asked controllers at Islamabad's Benazir Bhutto international airport for help as he prepared for an emergency landing, saying he could see the roofs of homes but not the runway.

Wreckage from the 32-year-old jet, which first saw service with British Airways, was scattered across a wide area in fields about three miles from the airport.

A report by Pakistan's Civil Aviation Authority said the aircraft had been properly positioned as it began its approach but suddenly descended to 200 feet while still travelling at 300 miles an hour. It then descended a further 50 feet more before its tanks exploded.

Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani has ordered a judicial investigation into the accident.

Given the violent storm lashing Islamabad during the accident, some experts have speculated that 'wind shear,' sudden changes in wind that can lift or smash an aircraft into the ground during landing, may have been a factor.

Speaking at the scene of the crash, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said that Farooq Bhoja, head of Bhoja Air, had been put on the 'exit control list,' meaning he can't leave Pakistan. Such a ban is often put on someone suspected or implicated in a criminal case.

Malik said, 'It is being said that the aircraft was pretty old, so it has been ordered to investigate thoroughly the air worthiness of the Bhoja Air aircraft.'

'The causes will be investigated, whether it was any fault in the aircraft, it was lightning, the bad weather or any other factor that caused the loss of precious lives,' he said.

The plane's flight data recording systems, key to any investigation, have been recovered. - dailymail


'Old Woman Springs Road'

The following was forwarded by a reader:


In the 1970s, my sister and brother-in-law lived in Yucca Valley, CA in a small house along Old Woman Springs Road. In that house one night, my sister awoke to see an old woman walking into the wall where once was a closet.

Another day, the couple was entertaining company when my brother-in-law and his friend saw two silver flying discs approach at a high speed. He yelled for my sister to come out and see them, but before she got outside, the discs had turned and gone in the direction they'd come from. I believe nearby was a military base.

But, the most interesting thing that happened to them when they lived there was that one night my brother-in-law was driving his water company truck along Old Woman Springs Road when up ahead he saw a mist that he finally drove through. As he did this, he turned to see a woman's face, misty, at his side window looking in at him. He said he screamed and stepped on the gas, attempting to escape the vision. Instead, the woman's face kept looking in at him even as he sped ahead. Out of fear, he braked very quickly and jumped out of the truck, only to see nothing there.

He went home and told my sister to never tell anyone that story after he told her. Weeks later, they had visitors who stayed until after dark. Their friends left and a half hour later, they got a phone call from them, telling them the same story about a woman's face staying alongside the side window as they drove.

Yucca Valley supposedly had a landing strip for UFOs, built by a UFO afficianado, another interesting note to these stories.

N. H.
Southern California

UFOs Over California: A True History Of Extraterrestrial Encounters In The Golden State (Schiffer Books)

The Ghost Chronicles: A Medium and a Paranormal Scientist Investigate 17 True Hauntings


Bantam Lake 'UFO' mystery may never be solved

If little green men did plunge a UFO into Bantam Lake under the cover of darkness two weeks ago, they might be interested to know that there’s little pressure to speed up whatever they’re planning—or if some glowing green whale-sized object did fall into the lake as reported, and it is a meteorite as suspected, it will likely remain undisturbed for a very long time.

And the mystery surrounding an incident that got international attention may remain just that—a mystery.

No Investigation?

Despite Connecticut officials and legislators being lobbied by at least one former member of a lake protection group to investigate, and despite a private group’s vow to crack the case, little follow-up appears to be taking place.

“To the best of my knowledge, there are not any ongoing efforts to retrieve whatever it was, and my hope is that this summer scuba divers will take an active interest in trying to solve this mystery,” said State Sen. Andrew Roraback (R-Goshen), who is seeking the GOP nomination to run in the Fifth Congressional District. “We have added this to the list of life’s unanswered questions.”

The buzz for the last couple of weeks has been about a glowing green object that fell into Bantam Lake around 2 a.m. April 10. In contrast to the magnitude of the buzz—“Is there a UFO in Connecticut?” the Daily Mail in England asked—what is known about the incident is spare.

An unidentified motorist who was near Bantam Lake called State Police at the Troop L barracks in Litchfield to report seeing the green, whale-sized object fall into the lake.

Such a report doesn’t necessarily suggest credibility—given that the motorist didn’t stick around and apparently didn’t call back—but an on-duty State Police trooper some 10 miles away in Warren also called the barracks to report seeing a large object fall from the sky over Bantam or Morris.

Morris firefighters were dispatched, along with firefighters from Bantam, and made several passes up and down the lake in a boat but didn’t find anything. Morris Fire Chief Joel Skilton said he was inclined to believe that it was a meteorite, given that the National Weather Service had documented a meteor shower in the area that night.

In the wake of reports about the incident, the Ban­­­tam Lake Protective Assoc­iation’s former president, Robert LaBonne, sent an e-mail to Mr. Roraback and State Rep. Craig Miner (R-Litchfield), telling the legislators he had received e-mails from as far away as Florida, “With modern technology and the 911 service, I would think the State Police has the ability to trace that 911 call back to the owner of the cell phone,” said Mr. LaBonne in the e-mail a couple of weeks ago, referencing the fact that the citizen who claimed to see the object fall into the lake did not remain at the scene. “Once we have that person, hopefully he or she can direct us to the approximate location of the where this thing might be in the lake.”

After one story about the sighting was posted two weeks ago on the New Haven Register website, The Smoking Gun Research Agen­­cy (SGRA) in Orange, in­­dicated in a comment that it would be investigating. According to its website,, the group studies the paranormal, meta­­physical and the unexplained.

Smoking Gun director Jon Nowinski subsequently said that the group spent a couple of days talking with people by e-mail to gather more information.

Mr. Nowinski said Monday in an e-mail that he did re­­quest a copy or transcript of the State Police communications from the trooper, and that he hoped to provide more of an update on the situation soon. Whether a meteorite or something else fell into the lake, last week’s reports that the incident sparked concern over dead fish being found at Bantam Lake turned out to be red herrings.

A state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) spokesperson said reports of some dead fish being found came in as early as March 21, which is weeks before the UFO (or meteorite) sighting.

“What we’re seeing is what appears to be typical phenom­ena in a water body such as a lake, exacerbated some by the weather we have been having; the warm weather depletes the oxygen in the water,” Dennis Schain of the DEEP said in a phone interview April 17. “It’s predominantly sunfish. If it was anything unusual—the effect of anything falling in the lake—it would have more quickly affected a whole variety of species.

So that’s where it stands. Area businesses that lightheartedly sought to capitalize on early reports of a UFO sighting—with “stellar rates” for extraterrestrials and greetings such as “aliens welcome”—have returned to business as usual.

Meanwhile, as doubt surfaces about whether anyone will solve the mystery of this “smoking gun,” some observers around the lake continue to wonder how an incident involving something the size of a whale falling into the lake from a high altitude went unnoticed, even at 2 a.m. Don’t we all wake up for a “bump in the night,” they ask. - registercitizen

NOTE: Typical bureaucracy...either the politicians really don't care or they were told to back off. Lon

The UFO Conspiracy

Conspiracy? - Majestic Twelve Ufo Cover-Up (History Channel)

What Happened on the Moon? - An Investigation Into Apollo, 2 DVD Special Edition


The Real Deal?

Apparently the NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has photographed something that even they have to admit is a mystery.

NASA has released a picture of what looks eerily like a giant mothership flying near the sun. Not only is the object in question orbiting the sun, it is also withstanding temperatures that should easily toast most anything a golden brown as it disintegrates.

Now, if an ET intelligence can build a ship to withstand such temps, imagine how advanced they could be?

The most frightening part is mainstreamers are actually giving in to the possibility that this object is something engineered and intelligently controlled. - Read more at Video: This Now Viral UFO Could Be The Real Thing Folks!


Outrage as Egypt plans 'farewell intercourse law' so husbands can have sex with DEAD wives up to six hours after their death

Egyptian husbands will soon be legally allowed to have sex with their dead wives - for up to six hours after their death.

The controversial new law is part of a raft of measures being introduced by the Islamist-dominated parliament.

It will also see the minimum age of marriage lowered to 14 and the ridding of women's rights of getting education and employment.

Egypt's National Council for Women is campaigning against the changes, saying that 'marginalising and undermining the status of women would negatively affect the country's human development'.

Dr Mervat al-Talawi, head of the NCW, wrote to the Egyptian People’s Assembly Speaker Dr Saad al-Katatni addressing her concerns.

Egyptian journalist Amro Abdul Samea reported in the al-Ahram newspaper that Talawi complained about the legislations which are being introduced under 'alleged religious interpretations'.

The subject of a husband having sex with his dead wife arose in May 2011 when Moroccan cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari said marriage remains valid even after death.

He also said that women have the right to have sex with her dead husband, reported.

It seems the topic, which has sparked outrage, has now been picked up on by Egypt's politicians.

TV anchor Jaber al-Qarmouty slammed the notion of letting a husband have sex with his wife after her death under the so-called 'Farewell Intercourse' draft law.

He said: 'This is very serious. Could the panel that will draft the Egyptian constitution possibly discuss such issues? Did Abdul Samea see by his own eyes the text of the message sent by Talawi to Katatni?

'This is unbelievable. It is a catastrophe to give the husband such a right! Has the Islamic trend reached that far? Is there really a draft law in this regard? Are there people thinking in this manner?' - dailymail

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Humanoid Reports: Evil Intentions -- Humanoids and an Ape -- Gigantic White Silhouette -- Short, Horned and Hairy

The 1st two reports were mentioned by Albert Rosales during his appearance on our show Sunday night. He has also included a few interesting reports from Russia and the former Soviet Union. The podcast can be found at Beyond The Edge Radio - 4/22/2012 - Humanoid Researcher / Archivist Albert Rosales



Near Yekaterinburg, Urals Region, Russia - October 1992 - 04:00

The witness and his wife were staying at the Sverdlovsk Engineering-Pedagogical Institute hostel. The night of the encounter he had gone to bed around 02:00 a.m. his wife was already asleep. Suddenly at around 04:00 a.m. he woke up with a start, lying on his back and his eyes wide open. Strangely he felt no fear or any apprehension, the room was lit from light coming from streetlights right outside the window. Suddenly right above his head he heard a noise, he turned and saw a sort of flying ‘white mass’ that appeared to have come out straight out of the wall. The strange mass stopped abruptly right in front of his face and seemed to transform into a three-dimensional image of woman about 20-25 years of age. However she was only visible down to her waist, the bottom section of her body seemed blurry. The strange guest hung in the air vertically above the witness, half a meter from his face. The figure was white in color and he could clearly see through it. It appeared to be dressed in a sort of ‘nightgown’ with long sleeves and gazed at the stunned witness with coal black eyes which contrasted sharply with the rest of her body and according to the witness emitted ‘evil intentions’.

He did not have time to react as a white hand quickly grabbed his right wrist and slowly pulled him. He clearly felt the touch and very strong pressure. Strangely at this point he still felt no fear but realized that something was very wrong, he attempted to pull his hand from the grip of the stranger but was unsuccessful. With incredible strength the woman then pulled the witness’ arm which seemed to pass right through the grid of the bed, unable to control himself any longer the witness emitted a shrill scream. At this point the shape instantly changed her shape and hair to resemble an exact replica of the witness’s still sleeping wife. The witness was taken aback as ‘his wife’ now pulled his arm further. Resisting the witness thought, “No, it’s not my wife! Where is my wife”? Then with his other hand he grabbed his wife’s hand and cried. Incredibly the stranger then loosened her grip and suddenly disappeared. His wife suddenly awakened and inquired why was he screaming. He could only tell her that something strange had occurred, she advised him to try to get some sleep. After walking around the room he lay down again however as he tried to cover himself with the quilt it seemed to resist with incredible force and it even dragged him. As his wife remained sleeping he got up and went to smoke and once back he lay down again. The quilt this time no longer resisted but the feeling of anxiety remained.

To alleviate his fear the witness then cursed out loud at the stranger visitor. The reaction was instantaneous, a powerful blow, as if from a hefty board, struck with full force on the nearby table. He again roused his wife who never saw the strange female visitor and slept through most of the strange activity.




Between Mairiuex and Maubeuge, Nord, France - November 26, 1973 - 01:00

A man and a woman in a parked car on the Canourge road, Mairieux, noticed a white metallic looking hemispherical object some 50 ft wide in the snow covered fields, 100 yards away. Presently a dark opening appeared in this, from which 6 beings, of 3 different kinds, emerged. First were 3 small humanoids with large heads, 4 ft tall. They had protruding eyes with conspicuous whites, holes for a nose, narrow mouths, and bulging cheeks; their arms were long. They were dressed in tight one-piece suits of metallic appearance. Each carried a dark box 6” on a side whose upper surface bore a round white luminous “screen.” They walked slowly, with stiff small steps, and fanned out as if searching for something. Gradually they approached the road, until within 50 ft of the witnesses. Behind them, nearer to the hemisphere, stood 2 human figures about 6.5 ft tall, with light complexions and blond shoulder length hair, likewise dressed in tight fitting one piece metallic suits, closest to the door stood a squat figure, with long dangling arms, apparently covered with dark fur, “resembling a bear or great ape.”

When after about 10 minutes the small beings began to approach the car, the young woman became frightened and jump out, slamming the door, and ran back to her own car which stood close by. At this, the man saw all the figures stood still, then the “animal” reentered the object, followed quickly by the 2 humans and then the 3 humanoids, which ran back with such long, swift strides that they looked as if they were “flying over the ground.” The dark opening disappeared, and the UFO took on a brilliant metallic color, and rose vertically for 30 ft, then shot off westwards, becoming successively orange luminous, bluish, and reddish before dwindling to a point. This all happened with such speed that the young woman observed only the recession of the luminous object. The witnesses did not seek for traces in the snow. However, strange tracks in the snow were found later that morning by a Mrs. Michel and her children in the garden of their house in Maubeuge, 1.1 mile away, implying a connection.

Source: Joel Mesnard, Jean Marie Bigorne



Tbilisi, Georgia (USSR) - February 3, 1991 - 10:20 am

A local female journalist, Irina Adamashvili saw on the slopes of one the mountains that surround Tbilisi a gigantic anthropoid figure which appeared suddenly out of nowhere. It was a massive dazzling white humanoid silhouette that appeared on the gray-brown slope. She watched riveted to the scene the figure which resembled that of a man wearing shiny coveralls. The figure glided rapidly above the ground in a straight line along the slope as it reached a bitumen road it then moved in a strange gait, taking large steps and somewhat bent at the knees. The stunned witness thought that the height of the entity was at least 3- 4 meters. The figure was then lost from sight behind a mountain slope.

Source: “The Georgia Herald” February 6 1991, Mikhail Gershtein in: “Russian Ufological Digest” January 28 2002



Kremenchung, Ukraine - February 23, 1991 - night

After coming back from work at a local bakery, the witness A. S. Tkachuk was trying to fall sleep when suddenly she felt a pair of strong hands gripping her around the throat. Opening her eyes she is terrified to see only at about 30cms from her a strange humanoid with a face similar to humans but completely covered with hair. Around its black eyes the hair was somewhat shorter and humanoid appeared to have two short horns on top of its head. The witness attempted to struggle and grabbed the creature’s hands with her hands. The creature’s fingers were short and the hand’s were more human than animal according to the witness, covered with fur and warm to the touch. The creature’s fur was dark-chestnut in color; it seemed to be short in stature its arms corresponding to that of a 5-6 year old child. The witness attempted to push the creature’s hands away from her throat but the creature was incredibly strong. She somehow “understood” that the creature was male but did not see any genitalia. The witness then realized that she would not be able to escape from creature’s grip and ceased to resist, immediately thereafter the creature let her go and disappeared. The witness remained paralyzed with fear and unable to speak in bed for a long time.

Source: UFODOS Archives, Ukraine

Type: E - When an entity or humanoid is seen alone, without related UFO activity

Rosales' Comments: What sort of creature was this? Why did it attack the witness and more importantly why did it suddenly let go and vanished?

Own A Part Of Your Favorite Celebrity!

The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us

Contact with Alien Civilizations: Our Hopes and Fears about Encountering Extraterrestrials

The Ancient Alien Question: A New Inquiry Into the Existence, Evidence, and Influence of Ancient Visitors

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Hasselbach UFO Encounter

Hasselbach, Germany - July 9, 1952

Oscar Linke, former Wehrmacht major, and his daughter Gabrielle, 11, had to leave their motorcycle when they had a flat tire. Inside the woods the girl noticed two men in silvery suits examining the ground in a clearing near a pink disk-shaped object, 13-15 meters in diameter, showing a double row of openings around the rim and a black turret on top. One of the men had a flashing box. Both men went inside, and the disk vibrated, rose along the turretlike cylinder, then spun faster and rose out of sight.


Furnished with the sworn testimony of an eyewitness, Oscar Linke, a 48-year-old German and former mayor of Gleimershausen, West Berlin intelligence officers have begun investigating a most unusual "flying saucer" story. According to this story, an object "resembling a huge flying pan" and having a diameter of about 15 meters landed in a forest clearing in the Soviet Zone of Germany.

Linke recently escaped from the Soviet Zone along with his wife and six children.

Linke and his 11-year-old daughter, Gabriella, made the following sworn statement last week before a judge: "While I was returning to my home with Gabriella, a tire of my motorcycle blew out near the town of Hasselbach. While we were walking along toward Hasselbach, Gabriella pointed out something which lay at a distance of about 140 meters away from us. Since it was twilight, I thought that she was pointing at a young deer.

"I left my motorcycle near a tree and walked toward the spot which Gabriella had pointed out. When, however, I reached a spot about 55 meters from the object, I realized that my first impression had been wrong. What I had seen were two men who were now about 40 meters away from me. They seemed to be dressed in some shiny metallic clothing. They were stooped over and were looking at something lying on the ground.

"I approached until 1 was only about 10 meters from them. I looked over a small fence and then I noticed a large object whose diameter I estimated to be between 13 and 15 meters. It looked like a huge frying pan.

"There were two rows of holes on its periphery, about 30 centimeters in circumference. The space between the two rows was about 0.45 meters. On the top of this metal object was a black conical tower about three meters high.

"At that moment, my daughter, who had remained a short distance behind me, called me. The two men must have heard my daughter's voice because they immediately jumped on the conical tower and disappeared inside.

"I had previously noted that one of the men had a lamp on the front part of his body which lit up at regular intervals.

"Now, the side of the object on which the holes had been opened began to glitter. Its color seemed green but later turned to red. At the same time I began to hear a slight hum. While the brightness and hum increased, the conical tower began to slide down into the center of the object. The whole object then began to rise slowly from the ground and rotate like a top.

"It seemed to me as if it were supported by the cylindrical plant which had gone down from the top of the object, through the center, and had now appeared from its bottom on the ground.

"The object, surrounded by a ring of flames, was now a certain number of feet above the ground.

"I then noted that the whole object had risen slowly from the ground. The cylinder on which it was supported had now disappeared within its center and had reappeared on the top of the object.

"The rate of climb had now become greater. At the same time my daughter and I heard a whistling sound similar to that heard when a bomb falls.

"The object rose to a horizontal position, turned toward a neighboring town, and then, gaining altitude, it disappeared over the heights and forests in the direction of Stockheim."

Many other persons who live in the same area as Linke later related that they saw an object which they thought to be a comet. A shepherd stated that he thought that he was looking at a comet moving away at a low altitude from the height on which Linke stood.

After submitting his testimony to the judge, Linke made the following statement: "I would have thought that both my daughter and I were dreaming if it were not for the following element involved: When the object had disappeared, I went to the place where it had been. I found a circular opening in the ground and it was quite evident that it was freshly dug. It was exactly the same shape as the conical tower. I was then convinced that I was not dreaming."

Linke continued, "I had never heard of the term 'flying saucer' before I escaped from the Soviet Zone into West Berlin. When I saw this object, I immediately thought that it was a new Soviet military machine.

"I confess that I was seized with fright because the Soviets do not want anyone to know about their work. Many persons have been restricted to their movements for many years in East Germany because they know too much." - Kathimerini - Athens, Greece, 1952 (found in declassfied CIA files)


The Missing Linke - Skeptical Analysis

"The Most Amazing Flying Saucer Story of All Time" was how the news dispatch introduced the case. Considering the date was 9 July 1952 this wasn't quite the hyperbole we would automatically assume it to be nowadays. The saucer mystery had only just celebrated its fifth birthday and landings by flying saucers were virtually unheard of. There had been stories of crashed saucers with dead bodies, and one or two telepathic contacts, but they were easily dismissed. The story of Oscar Linke and his daughter was different. It would nowadays be categorised as a close encounter of the third kind. In hindsight, it was a landmark case.

It was, for one thing, the earliest dated case in the Project Blue Book files to involve a landing and visible crew. It was also the first CE3K with wide media distribution. Linke and his daughter are the only close encounter witnesses to appear in 'The Flying Saucer Mystery', a brief film documentary by Telenews that was produced after the big saucer flap of 1952. It is the earliest known UFO documentary (available from Sinister Cinema).

The voiceover leads into the case by saying, "The first eyewitness report of a supposed Soviet guided missile tells of a saucer-shaped object." Describing Linke as a refugee mayor, they tout his account as "the most credible received". We are shown drawings of the saucer made by the mayor and his daughter - the two passengers outside it, and the surrounding scene. We are told how they stumbled upon this sight, how the girl's screaming startled the two figures, and how they climbed into the saucer and took off. "The disc rose with a humming noise until the thing was standing on the cylinder like a big mushroom." It was jet-propelled with red and green flames spurting out of the hull's innards along the spinning rim. After gaining some altitude, it moved off parallel to the ground. "It moved faster than any fighter plane he has seen and it made a terrible roaring sound."

Newspaper accounts offered more details. They described Oscar Linke as a 48-year-old ex-Mayor of Gleimerschausen who had escaped from the Russian Zone with his wife and 6 children. Linke swore out a formal affidavit before a judge in the company of West German officials.

He had been riding home with Gabriel on a motorcycle, but a tyre blew out leaving them to walk to the next town of Hasselbach. Gabriel pointed out what they first took to be young deer, but as they got within 50 yards it resolved itself into "two apparently human figures". They were clothed in a shimmering metallic substance and were bent down studying something on the ground. One had a flashing light on his chest. Thirty feet away from them was a 40 to 50 feet diameter object "like a huge oval warming pan". Along the rim were two rows of holes a foot in diameter and spaced a foot and a half apart. Out of the centre rose a black cylindrical conning tower ten feet high.

Gabriel called to her father during his study of the scene and this prompted the figure to rush to the object, clamber up the side, and disappear inside. The holes started to glow and the rim began to spin. The tower retracted down through the centre of the disc, raising the rim. "From the swirling effect of the glowing exhaust I got the impression the whole thing was spinning like a top," said Linke. Once airborne the cylinder retracted again to reappear on the upper half of the object. It made a whistling sound like a falling bomb, but not so loud. The object flew away in the direction of Stockheim, which was southwest of their location.

Others came forward to say they also saw the object. A shepherd named Georg Derbost, who was a mile a mile and a half away, "thought a comet had bounced off the earth". A sawmill worker, unnamed, described it as a "low-flying comet". Linke examined the landing site and found a freshly made depression where earth had been driven down by the conning tower.

"I never heard the words 'flying saucer' until I escaped to West Berlin. When I saw the thing, first I thought it was a new Russian war machine. I was terrified, for the Soviets do not like one to know about their goings-on, and people are shut up for years in East Germany for knowing too much." was the tag line quote by Linke.

More details emerged years later when ufologists got hold of the initial foreign language accounts and made contact with Linke. They learned the encounter occurred roughly two years before the American press published it. Linke backdated it to 17 June 1950. He had been mayor at the time of the incident. In a new clipping from Nacht-Depesche, Linke had said of the two figures, "they were dressed in heavy garments, like people wear in polar regions." Those garments were made of a shimmering, metallic substance. Asked by ufologist Leon Davidson in 1958 if the figures were human or humanoid, Linke opened up the possibility they could have been another type of creature since their manner of locomotion "was a glide similar to that of bears". Besides the depression made by the conning tower, we learn that the cold airstream from the object flattened the grain in a neighbouring field. Linke confirmed all the pertinent points of earlier accounts and there was no confession it was a hoax.

When Ted Bloecher wrote up the case file for the November 1980 issue of MUFON UFO Journal, his assessment was that the witness was credible, the story was internally consistent and the detailing, though unprecedented, was persuasively authentic. The information argued favourably for the reality of the experience. In the absence of new information to throw doubt on the case, Bloecher concluded, "this sighting should be included among the list of unexplained UFO reports."

Curiously, it isn't. It is rarely mentioned in the UFO literature and is routinely absent in works that aspire to comprehensiveness. It's not in David Jacobs' s The UFO Controversy in America or Curtis Peebles's Watch the Skies! It's not in evidence in catalogues like the Lorenzens' Flying Saucer Occupants or Richard Hall's Uninvited Guests or Jenny Randles's Alien Contacts and Abductions. It's not even in Jerry Clark's Strange review of "Close Encounters of the Third, Kind 1901-1959", though it includes some of the most obscure cases around. UFO encyclopedias never mention it. Probably the only readily accessible account is the one in the Hynek UFO Report (1977, pp. 203-6) and it amounts to a reprint of the Blue Book file with no analysis or comment.

Bloecher stands alone in his advocacy and interest for the Linke case. Yet, in an important sense, it warrants far more attention. If you look at the case simply from the standpoint of a ranking of its evidential features, it has to be one of the ten strongest close encounters of all time. We have here two primary witnesses, one of them a mayor and thus possessing a measure of status. There are several people corroborating the fact that something happened from a distance, one named. We have claims of extensive physical traces. A follow-up six years later has him sticking to his story. This easily outranks 99% of the entity cases on record as they are generally singly witnessed, without bystanders, and with no or trivial physical traces. On the surface it looks better than such notorious faves as The Interrupted Journey, Pascagoula, The Andreasson Affair, and Communion.

Those who argue that subtle congruencies across cases entail authenticity will also find the Linke case an impressively evidential one. J. Allen Hynek used to point to a trait called "escalation of hypothesis" which he felt was common in authentic cases. Linke and his daughter's initial mistake in thinking they were looking at deer and the subsequent shift is just such as example of escalation of strangeness. The detail about the entities gliding mentioned to Davidson in 1958 is especially surprising. Raymond Fowler points to exactly this trait of gliding as a detail arguing for the authenticity of Betty Andreasson's story. It is a subtle feature he found in several cases. Indeed there are a string of them: Charles Moody, 1975; Pascagoula, 1973; C.A.V.; Ririe, Idaho - 1967; Brands Flat, Virginia - 1965; Reinhold Schmidt, 1957. Linke's revelation has to be greeted as more striking if only because Andreasson had the benefit of potential exposure to highly visible cases like Pascagoula. Living overseas, Linke's borrowing from the Schmidt case seems less probable than Andreasson's borrowing from the UFO literature.

This should be ranked among the classics, but it never will. It won't because it proves the wrong theory about UFOs. As the Telenews documentary put it, it was meant to be proof of a Soviet guided missile. Newspapers thought so too: "It is hoped to answer the big question: Are Flying Saucers a secret new Russian invention?" The place of discovery, the Soviet zone, implicitly answered the question with a Yes. The heavy polar garments worn by the crew obviously suggest the northern climes of Russia. Loren Gross, in his privately published, UFOs: A History, adds the observation that the description of Linke's craft was close to the description of the object in the 28 June 1952 Spitzbergen crash/retrieval story. It, too, involved a stationary centre cabin and a rotating rim with 46 jets on it. This craft was thought to be Russian since the chronometers and interior instrumentation had Russian symbols on them. Nobody suggested Linke's saucer came from outer space and, given the fact that it flew parallel to the earth instead of on a vertical trajectory, there was no reason to think otherwise.

Trying to fit this case into the extraterrestrial hypothesis presents a series of problems. First, there are no reports of 'greys' wearing polar garments. Second, contemporary alien craft don't display jet propulsion, don't shoot flames from a rotating rim, and don't make roaring or falling bomb sounds. Third, current cases never display retracting conning towers or show a mushroom aspect on take-off. Lastly, current alien craft have fewer straight lines and right angles than Linke's drawings show. Simply, it doesn't fit in with our current portrait.

To argue Linke's saucer was alien would be silly, but the Soviet interpretation is flatly impossible. The Soviet secret weapon theory probably hasn't had a defender in the past two decades, but if there were any stragglers the absence of relevant revelations out of Russia since the fall of the Berlin Wall should have sealed all hopes. And there lies the delightful paradox of the Linke case. It can't be real, but the methods of UFO study say it must be.

What this case proves more than anything else is how the UFO phenomenon has evolved and adapted to varying cultural environments. We tend to forget that the ETH was not always the favourite theory about flying saucers. Back in the forties and early fifties, the ETH wasn't even on the map. The Gallup polls of 1947 and 1950 didn't even bother to tally any supporters of the idea. Among those few who didn't view saucers as a joke, a hoax, or some form of mistake, the favoured idea was that they involved either American weapons under test (1947 - 15%; 1950 - 23%) or a Russian weapon (1947 - 1%; 1950 - 3%)

Sift through the reports of 1947 and there is nothing to disprove these notions and often much to support them; things like propellers, rocket exhaust, contrails, radio antennae, fins, and aerobatic stunts. When Keyhoe started pushing the ETH in 1950, he had to spend time discussing the pros and cons of the involvement of Soviets, Nazis, and possible secret projects by the military or industrialists in America. He was not instantly successful in converting people, and no solid consensus against secret weapon projects existed for two decades.

Linke's human crew was not unique among early close encounters. It is fairly easy to draw up a collection of reports that involved humans in saucers rather than alien creatures.

I selected these mainly from the sense they seemed clearly apart from both contactee accounts in their initial aspect and from creatures and dwarves encounters. They could be thought supportive of the secret projects idea, though admittedly ufologists often did not think that way.

The jet propulsion and remarkable speed is typical for the era. The profile of the Linke saucer with its straight lines seems faintly primitive and looks a bit like it was sawed out of the top of a submarine. This was true of other saucer drawings as well. They lack the sleek convexities that shaped later craft. The saucer in the 1949 movie serial Bruce Gentry shares this primitiveness. The Gentry saucer also has a stationary centre section like Spitzbergen and Linke. The retracting conning tower seems novel and it is conceivable Linke's case inspired the mushroom-like landing profile of the Harryhausen saucers for Earth vs. the Flying Saucers.

Linke's case seems well-adapted for its time - probably too well-adapted. By borrowing the jet-propelled rim from the Spitzbergen crash/retrieval, it probably hoped to credible. What Linke could not foresee was that the Spitzbergen case was doomed to fall apart. Investigators have built up considerable evidence that the Spitzbergen case was a hoax. (see Braenne, Ole Jonny "Legend of the Spitzbergen Crash, International UFO Reporter, November/December 1992, pp. 14-20).

By corroborating details of Spitzbergen, it has undermined itself with the taint of plagiarism and sealed the case for it being a cultural construct. Taken altogether, it is too much a phenomenon of its age, embodying its beliefs, preconceptions, and errors. A case identical to Linke would be literally unimaginable in the 1990s. The look, the idea is out of fashion - mythically incorrect. - Martin S. Kottmeyer - Magonia Supplement 48, Oct. 2003

Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape: Knowing the Future: The UFO Spy Games

ON THE TRAIL OF THE SAUCER SPIES: UFOs and Government Surveillance

Flying Saucers and Science: A Scientist Investigates the Mysteries of UFOs: Interstellar Travel, Crashes, and Government Cover-Ups