I just received this from NatGeo:
National Geographic’s NAVAJO COPS series has captured the sounds and VIDEO of a mysterious Bigfoot-like creature that the local Navajo call “The Howler.”
NAVAJO COPS’ premier episode showed the reservation’s tribal police force investigating reports of a mysterious sounds from a creature called “The Howler.” Some on the reservation claimed the howling came from a Bigfoot, others said it was a Skinwalker – a malevolent, werewolf-like Navajo spirit made famous in Tony Hillerman’s novels.
In the upcoming NAVAJO COPS episode called “Eyes of the Howler,” officers pursue reports of the creature deep into the back-country, where a SWAT team encounters the disturbing howls (caught on audio) and track the noise to a cave – where video reveals a disturbing set of red-rimmed eyes…
The Navajo Nation police department makes it a policy to investigate supernatural encounters… though “Eyes of the Howler” episode has the best video and audio evidence of the mysterious being.
As most of you know, I have been reporting strange incidents and sightings in the Four Corners area and the Diné Navajo Rez for a few years thanks to the investigations of Jc Johnson at Crypto Four Corners. Jc Johnson will again be joining Eric and myself on Beyond the Edge Radio in April.
The Shape Shifter
Stalking the Tricksters: Shapeshifters, Skinwalkers, Dark Adepts and 2012