This week Eric and Lon welcome Rick Phillips - "The Anomaly Man" - longtime writer and editor of The Heavy Stuff.
If you have an interest in the `unknown' - such as, life after death, UFOs, dopplegangers, time travel and other mysteries - Rick's websites are the place to go. He explores those unknowns, and much more, and will challenge your mind into thinking about your own positions on these matters.
Rick's most recent sites are the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock which contains comments and analysis concerning coverage of UFO activity by the media & reports of UFO's by citizens and The Barf Stew, which Rick describes as a blog for internet users craving information designed to trigger the mind or gag reflex. Especially in danger of becoming a 'Barfster' are those internet surfers who like links to paranormal phenomena, political punditry, or slightly perverse pictures.
You can also find Rick's commentary at The 'C' Influence...a discussion blog about the unknown and unusual with some of the best thinkers and esoteric writers on the internet.
Rick also mentored Phantoms and Monsters writer Lon Strickler during his early foray into paranormal blogging.
Join us for what promises to be an very interesting show!

Join Eric Altman and Lon Strickler each Sunday at 8 PM ET as we go
Beyond the Edge!