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Friday, April 28, 2017

Spectral 'Cat' in the Desert

DJ described a strange sighting while driving outside Las Vegas:

“I have a story that happened to me while I was driving along one of the really dark highways in Nevada. I was leaving Vegas to go camping for a few days. It was around 1:00 AM and I was driving down state highway 159 just past Red Rock Canyon, the really beautiful mountainous terrain just outside Nevada. At 1:00 AM there's really nobody else on the road. I happened to be driving down it because I was trying to make up time to make it to my campsite that morning as I had spent a bit too much time in Vegas at some of the shows if you catch my drift.

Now you also have to realize that there are no streetlights. No light other than the moon and your headlights. That's it. And there are wild horses in the area. Now I was doing under or around 60 mph trying to make up time. As I'm driving, I catch movement out of the corner of my eye, on the passenger side. It's a two lane road so there's no way another car would be driving beside me. I glance over and I see a black figure like some kind of giant cat but only all black. No fur. Just like a giant black shadow as tall as my car, running alongside the car. As I glance, I get this overwhelming feeling of fear and dread and something in my head keeps telling me, if you keep looking at it, it's going to look back and attack you. So, I quickly look straight forward and go a bit faster and even at 70 mph it kept up with me for several seconds before it simply vanished.

My friends all told me that maybe I was looking at the car's shadow. Now car's shadows don't have running motion like a giant animal and I'm not aware of any animal that can run that fast either. I believe it was some kind of spectral cat, personally. I spoke with a friend who lives in Vegas and he told me people see all kinds of things in more preserved areas of Nevada. Native Americans who live in the area say such things are shape shifting creatures, skin-walkers, and the overwhelming feeling of dread I felt was a sure sign. And if I stopped the car or kept looking at it, the thing would probably have tried to knock the car off the road and get to me.”

Source: Darkness Radio - December 25, 2016

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